
Optimizacija morfologije stavbe in soseske glede na osončenost stavbnega ovoja : magistrsko delo
ID Zupan, Matjaž (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pajek, Luka (Comentor)

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Magistrska naloga se osredotoča na urbanistično načrtovanje glede na prejeto sončno obsevanje stavbnega ovoja. Gosto urbano območje je okolje, kjer lahko razpoložljivost direktnega sončnega sevanja postane redka dobrina, zlasti ker stavbe postajajo vse višje. Razlog za manj prejetega sončnega sevanja je predvsem medsebojno senčenje sosednjih stavb. Povečevanje dobro osončenih fasad bi bilo lahko ključno za povečanje razpoložljivosti sončne energije, kar lahko znatno vpliva na energijsko učinkovitost stavb in uporabo obnovljivih virov. Predstavljen je model urbane poselitve z različnimi tlorisnimi zasnovami: stavba s kvadratnim tlorisom, stavba s kvadratnim tlorisom in središčnim atrijem ter stavbe s tlorisom v oblikah črk U, H, L in Y. Na obravnavani stavbni blok smo postavili tudi dve in tri medsebojno vzporedne stavbe s pravokotnim tlorisom in štiri stavbe s pravokotnim tlorisom v odprti atrijski postavitvi. Pri vseh tlorisnih zasnovah smo spreminjali faktor zazidanosti (od 0,2 do 0,8) ter število etaž (od 1 do 14). Analizirali smo, kako omenjene zasnove in analizirani faktorji vplivajo na prejeto sončno sevanje v urbanem okolju. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ni mogoče določiti absolutno najboljše tlorisne zasnove. Največkrat sta prejeli največ sevanja normiranega na površino stavbnega ovoja stavba s kvadratnim tlorisom in stavba s tlorisom v obliki črke Y, medtem ko so štirje bloki v odprti atrijski postavitvi in trije medsebojno vzporedni bloki s pravokotnim tlorisom prejeli največ sončnega sevanja normiranega na bruto etažno površino stavbe. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da pri večjem številu stavb na stavbnem bloku faktor izrabe pada. Največji faktor izrabe, ki zagotavlja dobro osončenost južne fasade pozimi, je pri stavbi s kvadratnim tlorisom in znaša 3,0.

Keywords:osončenost, faktor zazidanosti, urbanizem, potencial prejetega sončnega sevanja, oblika stavbe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[M. Zupan]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109345 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8887905 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of the morphology of the building and the neighborhood with regard to the building envelope insulation : master thesis
The master's thesis focuses on urban planning in relation to solar radiation. A dense urban area is an environment where the availability of the direct sun radiation can become a rare asset, especially as buildings become taller. The reason for less received solar radiation is mainly the effect of mutual shading of neighboring buildings. Enlarging well-solarized facades could be key to increase the availability of solar energy, which can have a significant impact on the energy performance of buildings and the use of renewable sources. The model of urban settlement with different layout concepts is presented: a building with a square floor plan, a building with a square floor plan and a central atrium, buildings with a floor plan in shape of letters U, H, L and Y. On the building block two and three parallel buildings with rectangular floor plan and four buildings with rectangular floor plan were also installed in a layout of an open atrium. In all layout designs, the site coverage (from 0.2 to 0.8) and the number of floors (from 1 to 14) were changed. We analyzed how these concepts and factors influence the received solar radiation in the urban environment. The absolute best ground plan cannot be determined. Most of the time, a building with a square floor plan and a building with a floor plan in the shape of the letter Y received the most radiation, normalized to the surface of the building envelope, while four blocks in the open atrium layout and three mutually parallel blocks with a rectangular floor plan received the most solar radiation standardized on the gross floor area of the building. We also found that the floor area ratio decreases when a large number of buildings is put on the urban block. The highest floor area ratio, which guarantees enough sun radiation of the southern façade in winter, is 3.0 at the building with a square floor plan.

Keywords:sunshine, floor area ratio, urbanism, solar radiation, shape of the building

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