
Sposobnosti tipanja študentov fizioterapije : diplomsko delo
ID Mlakar, Nataša (Author), ID Hlebš, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Tipanje je fizioterapevtski preiskovalni postopek, s katerim se ocenjuje kakovost, morfološke spremembe in občutljivost tkiva. Natančnost tipanja je odvisna od zaznave z dotikom in izkušenj preiskovalca. Test zaznave z dotikom se uporablja za prepoznavanje oblike tipane strukture. Z uporabo tablic z vgraviranimi simboli, ki jih preiskovanec tipa in nato preriše na papir, so ugotovili povezavo med številom napak pri prerisovanju simbola s tablice in časom, porabljenim za njegovo tipanje. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti razlike v sposobnostih tipanja med študenti prvega letnika in zaključnih letnikov fizioterapije. Metode dela: Sodelovali so zdravi študenti fizioterapije 1. in 3. letnika ter magistrskega študija (n = 40), z odsotnostjo poškodb zgornjih udov v šestih mesecih pred raziskavo. Testiranje je bilo izvedeno v fizioterapevtskem laboratoriju. Sposobnosti tipanja smo testirali na treh lesenih tablicah velikosti 13 x 13 cm, v katere je bil vgraviran simbol s črto širine 7 mm in globine 3 mm različne težavnosti. Po tipanju simbola na tablici z zaprtimi očmi so ga z odprtimi očmi narisali na list papirja. Merili smo čas tipanja in risanja simbola s tablice na list, število napak na prerisanem simbolu in težavnost z Likertovo lestvico od 1 do 5. Uporabili smo test t za neodvisne vzorce za primerjavo ocenjevanih spremenljivk med skupinama; linearno regresijo za primerjavo težavnosti simbola s tablice z dobljeno oceno ter Wilcoxonov test, Mann-Whitneyev test in Kruskal-Wallisov test za oceno zanesljivosti posameznega preiskovalca. Prag statistične značilnosti je bil določen pri p < 0,05. Rezultati: Študenti zaključnih letnikov so porabili več časa za tipanje simbola s tablice 2 (p = 0,0014; t = 3,45) in simbola s tablice 3 (p = 0,0018; t = 3,36) v primerjavi s študenti prvega letnika. Razlike med časom risanja simbola s tablic, oceno risbe in težavnostjo simbola s tablic med skupino prvega letnika in skupino zaključnih letnikov niso bile statistično značilne (p > 0,05). Slabša ocena risbe je bila povezana z višjo težavnostjo simbola s tablice pri vseh preiskovancih. Preiskovalka je bila pri oceni kopij simbolov z risanjem 96,7 % zanesljiva. Zaključek: Raziskava je pokazala, da so lahko sposobnosti tipanja študentov fizioterapije povezane tudi s prejetimi taktilnimi izkušnjami tekom študija, vendar pa je lahko majhen vzorec preiskovancev vplival na rezultate testiranja. V prihodnje bi bilo smiselno narediti meritve na večjem vzorcu preiskovancev, primerjati tudi izkušene fizioterapevte in druge stroke.

Keywords:tipanje, zaznava s tipanjem, fizioterapija, študenti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109324 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5672555 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Palpation skills of physiotherapy students : diploma work
Introduction: Palpation is used in physiotherapy to assess quality, morphological changes and sensitivity of tissue. Tactile perception and previous experience of the investigator is required to properly evaluate structure. To assess tactile sensitivity, tactile perception test is used by palpating the engraved symbol in tablets. Time used for tactile examination of symbols engraved on tablets and the time for its reproduction by drawing on the piece of paper correlated with accuracy scores. Purpose: The purpose of diploma work was to determine if palpation skills of first-year and last-year physiotherapy students differ. Methods: Healthy physiotherapy students of 1st year, 3rd year and a Master's program without any injuries of upper limb last six month before the study were included (n = 40). The study was made in Laboratory for Physiotherapy. For tactile perception test three wooden tablets of size 13 x 13 cm, width of the symbol lines 7 mm and depth 3 mm were used. Symbols of different difficulties were engraved in each wooden plate. Subject palpated the symbol with both hands with their eyes closed on each tablet separately and then reproduced it by drawing on a piece of paper with open eyes. The palpation time, drawing time, accuracy and difficulty (with 1-5 Likert scale) of symbol were scored. Unpaired (two sample) t test for comparison between both groups was used; linear regression was used to compare difficulty with accuracy of all symbols and also Wicoxon test, Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to test the reliability of examiner. Statistically important results were marked at p < 0,05. Results: Last-year physiotherapy students spent more time on exploration of tablet 2 (p = 0,0014; t = 3,45) and tablet 3 (p = 0,0018; t = 3,36) in comparison to first-year physiotherapy students. Differences between groups for drawing time, accuracy and difficulty of symbols were not statistically important (p > 0,05). Bad score of drawing was related to higher difficulty with all subjects. Examiner was reliable with 96,7 % when scoring the drawings. Conclusion: Research showed that palpation skills of physiotherapy students can be related to tactile sensitivity experiences during studying, however low sample size may have determinate the results. Further research on bigger sample size should be made and compared to palpation skills of experienced physiotherapists and non-physiotherapists.

Keywords:palpation, tactile sensitivity, physiotherapy, students

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