
Nedavno priseljevanje v Nemčijo: ocena izvedljivosti uspešne integracije na trg dela
ID Paunkoska, Margarita (Author)

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Problem preseljevanja oziroma, natančneje, množičnega priseljevanja z Bližnjega vzhoda in iz Afrike v Evropo se je pojavil ob koncu leta 2014, vrhunec pa je dosegel v letu 2015. Nemiri in vojne so pretresle družbo Bližnjega vzhoda in v takšnih okoliščinah so ljudje v Evropi videli deželo, kjer jih čaka boljše življenje. Vzporedno s tem so neugodne življenjske razmere, nerazvito gospodarstvo in družba predstavljali razloge za porast preseljevanja prebivalcev Afrike. V svoji zgodovini je Evropa doživela več valov migracij, a ta, s katerim se je spopadla pred kratkim, je bil zaradi sprožilnih dejavnikov, množičnosti vala ter nerazvitih politik in politike priseljevanja nekoliko drugačen. S kratko omembo preteklih dogodkov, ki so imeli podoben epilog, smo naredili primerjavo takratnih okoliščin s sedanjimi. Ker so pogoji dandanes zelo drugačni, smo ocenili izvedljivost integracije novoprispelih ljudi na nemški trg dela. V stanju, v katerem značilnosti valov priseljevanja nakazujejo neskladnost z dejavniki za uspešno integracijo na trg dela, je možnost za izvedbo integracije postala vprašljiva. To dejstvo je sprožilec za raziskovanje in ustvarjanje novih načinov integracije ljudi, ker v Nemčiji nenehno obstaja potreba po delovni sili. Učinkovita rešitev tega problema bi bila koristna za obe strani.

Keywords:priseljevanje, Bližnji vzhod, Afrika, integracija, trg dela, Nemčija, izvedljivost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109276 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36343133 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Recent immigration to Germany: assessing the feasibility for successful integration in the labour market
The issue of migration or more precisely the issue of massive immigrations from the Middle East and Africa that were headed towards Europe started to emerge at the end 2014, and experienced its peak in 2015. Unrest and war had torn the Middle East societies and in a state like this people found Europe to be the land where better life was awaiting. Parallel with this, the unfavourable life conditions, underdeveloped economy and society were the reasons standing behind the rise of African people to decide to migrate likewise. By making a short mention of the previous events that had similar outcomes a comparison was made between then present circumstances and present day circumstances. With conditions being greatly different now, the feasibility for the newly arrived people to get integrated into the labour market of Germany was assessed. In a state where the characteristics of the immigration waves indicate a discrepancy with the factors for successful labour market integration the feasibility of integration to take place became questionable. Thus it triggers research and creation of new ways on how to get the people integrated, because Germany as a country is constantly in need for work force. An effective resolution for this issue would be beneficial for both sides.

Keywords:immigration, Middle East, Africa, integration, labour market, Germany, feasibility

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