
Načrtovanje avtonomnega fotonapetostnega sistema za napajanje manjših vsakodnevnih naprav
ID POLJANEC, MATEJ (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zaključnem delu predstavimo problematiko rastočih potreb po energiji, katerim je v afriških državah v razvoju neučinkovito zadoščeno. Večinoma je težava v nerazvitem ali neobstoječem državnem elektroenergetskem sistemu. Fotonapetost vse bolj napreduje in v zadnjih letih odkriva nove tehnologije ter premika mejnike v deležu izkoristka sončne energije, krati pa cene PV modulov postajajo vse bolj ugodne. Zaradi geografske lege afriške celine in značilnosti območja se zdi, da fotonapetost lahko nadomesti vrzel v distribuciji energije in nadomesti slabše alternative, kot sta petrolej in dizel. V magistrskem delu predlagamo rešitev problema na lokalni ravni, z načrtom fotonapetostnega domačega sistema. Na ta način bi lahko vsak dom, ki je brez dostopa do električnega omrežja, sam proizvedel dovolj energije za svoje najnujnejše potrebe. V nalogi je prikazan postopek izdelave prototipa takšnega sistema, od ocene potreb, do načrta tiskanega vezja in nazadnje razvoja programske kode. V jedru naloge je podrobneje predstavljen načrt baterijskega napajalnega vezja in krmilnega sistema, kot tudi metode za maksimalen izkoristek izbranega PV modula, na podlagi algoritmov za sledenje maksimalen točke moči modula. Cilj naloge je izdelati prototip takšnega sistema in razviti programsko kodo za krmilno vezje. Želja je prikazati, kako lahko opisani PV sistem napaja manjše vsakodnevne porabnike, kot so, domača razsvetljava, pametni telefoni in tablični računalniki. V ta namen se je preveril izkoristek začrtanega napajalnega vezja baterije, kot tudi učinkovitost celotnega sistema.

Keywords:Fotonapetost, napajanje baterij, MPPT, načrtovanje tiskanega vezja, napetostni stabilizator navzdol, razvoj kode, algoritem sledenja točki maksimalne moči, obnovljivi viri energije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109239 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2019
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Title:Design of an autonomous photovoltaic system for powering smaller everyday devices
DESIGN OF AN AUTONOMOUS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM FOR POWERING SMALLER EVERYDAY DEVICES In the following dissertation, we focus on the ever-growing demand for power and electrification and recognize the lack of supplying fast growing demand in developing countries of Africa. We are addressing the problem of non-existing or very unreliable national grid. Rapid growth in the photovoltaic industry is setting new benchmarks in yields, therefore presenting itself as a very suitable and appealing solution for solving the energy supply problem and to replace the conservative energy sources like paraffin and diesel. Because of geographic characteristic of African countries and developing world in general, photovoltaics naturally seem as an appropriate way of energy generation. The proposed solution, to overcome an undeveloped national grid infrastructure and bring clean form of energy to every home, is to design a photovoltaic home system. The practical part of thesis covers the process of designing a photovoltaic home system, from sizing the system to meet desired needs to designing hardware and finally developing firmware. In the core of thesis, we focus on designing battery charging controller and look at ways to maximize the yield from a PV module at any given moment by implementing an MPPT (maximum power point tracking) algorithm. The goal of the thesis is to build the hardware and develop a firmware for a proposed PV system. We would like to demonstrate how such system can power small everyday appliances such as smart phones, tablet computers and domestic lighting. Finally, we evaluate the design, measure the efficiency of designed battery charger and effectiveness of over-all system performance.

Keywords:Photovoltaics, battery charging, MPPT, hardware design, step down voltage regulator, firmware development, renewable energy

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