
Sodelovanje policijske postaje in Centra za socialno delo v primeru nasilja v partnerskem razmerju
ID Pajer, Tjaša (Author), ID Videmšek, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za nasilje še vedno v veliki meri velja, da je to problem posameznika. Zaradi prevladovanja takšnega mišljenja je še v velikih primerih nasilje skrito med štirimi stenami. Ravno zato razne institucije kot so Center za socialno delo, policijska postaja, nevladne organizacije, Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo, zdravstvene institucije, ki se ukvarjajo z žrtvami nasilja, s povzročitelji nasilja, težko pomagajo uporabnikom, ki bi potrebovali pomoč. Ker je sodelovanje teh institucij zelo pomembno v primeru nasilja, sem to raziskovala v svoji diplomski nalogi. Za sodelovanje je potrebno izkazovanje interesa obeh institucij, tako Centra za socialno delo kot policijske postaje, kakor tudi vzpostavitev profesionalnega in korektnega odnosa med zaposlenimi v obeh institucijah. Kakšne odnose imajo in kakšne so prednosti oziroma pomanjkljivosti odnosov, sem preverila pri zaposlenih kriminalistih na policijski postaji in pri socialnih delavcih na Centru za socialno delo z intervjuji. Izkazalo se je, da je njihovo sodelovanje več kot odlično. Ker sem odnose med institucijami raziskovala v Zasavju, ki glede na število prebivalcev sodi med manjše regije, se je pokazalo, da bi pri reševanju problematike nasilja v družini potrebovali še veliko programov ali nevladnih organizacij, s katerimi bi lahko sodelovali in bi tako prispevali k zmanjševanju nasilja v družini.

Keywords:nasilje, sodelovanje institucij, center za socialno delo, policijska postaja, prednosti in slabosti, zakonodaja, odnos
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109231 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Participation of the police station and the Center for Social Work in case of violence in a partnership relationship
Violence is still largely considered to be the problem of an individual. And since this opinion is prevalent in many cases, the violence is widely still hidden between four walls. It is precisely for this reason that various institutions dealing with the victims of violence and the perpetrators of violence find it difficult to help those in need. In my thesis I investigated the importance of cooperation between these institutions in cases of violence. The participation of both institutions, Social work centers and police stations, is very important and there have to be common interests and of course an established relationship between the employees of both institutions. I inquired what the relationship between the police and social workers is like and what are the advantages and disadvantages of cooperation, with interviews of both parties. The results show that their cooperation is more than excellent, however they cannot claim that fact in every district. Since I studied the relationship between the aforementioned institutions in a small region called Zasavje, it turned out that the participation of many government or non-government programs is still needed to reduce and solve the problem of domestic violence.

Keywords:domestic violence, participation of institutions, social work center, police station, strengths and weaknesses, legislation, relationship

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