
Življenje Romov in Rominj iz naselja Vejar
ID Zorko, Maja (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo govori o življenju Romov in Rominj iz naselja Vejar na Dolenjskem. Večina prebivalcev naselja Vejar se z diskriminacijo in izključevanjem na različnih področjih življenja sooča vsakodnevno. Eden izmed dejavnikov, ki še vedno močno zaznamuje potek njihovega življenja, je revščina. V magistrskem delu sem z raziskavo ugotavljala sovpadanje etnične in socialne stratifikacije v življenju Romov in Rominj iz naselja Vejar, individualne razlike med njimi in vpliv življenja v revščini na oblikovanje vzorcev ravnanja ter njihov medgeneracijski prenos. V teoretičnem delu so najprej predstavljeni koncepti življenjskega sveta, revščine in socialne izključenosti. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni nekateri vidiki življenjskega sveta Romov in Rominj, na katere vpliva socialna izključenost. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, ki kažejo, da se v življenju Romov in Rominj iz naselja Vejar na Dolenjskem revščina in diskriminacija na podlagi etnične pripadnosti prepletata že več generacij. Zaradi življenja v revščini so se v preteklosti izoblikovali in medgeneracijsko prenašali vzorci ravnanja, ki današnjim generacijam omejujejo priložnosti. Med sogovornicami in sogovorniki obstajajo izrazite individualne razlike, zaradi katerih je nemogoče govoriti o Romih in Rominjah kot pripadnikih homogene etnične skupnosti, na kar opozarjajo tudi sami. Kljub temu so pogosto tarča diskriminatorne obravnave tako v institucijah kot v vsakdanjem življenju.

Keywords:Romi, Rominje, revščina, kultura revščine, življenjski svet, socialna izključenost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109224 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2019
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Title:Life of Roma men and Roma women from Vejar settlement
The Master's Thesis talks about the lives of Roma men and women from Vejar settlement in Dolenjska. Most of the inhabitants of the Vejar settlement face discrimination and exclusion in different areas of life every day. One of the factors that still strongly characterize the course of their lives is poverty. In researching for the Master's Thesis, I found the establishment of ethnic and social stratification in the lives of Roma men and women from Vejar settlement, the individual differences between them and the impact of life in poverty on their behavior and their intergenerational transmission. In the theoretical part, the concepts of life, poverty and social exclusion are first presented. Below are some aspects of the life line of the Roma women and men, influenced by social exclusion. The empirical part presents the results of the research showing that in the lives of Roma men and women from the settlement Vejar in Dolenjska poverty and discrimination based on ethnicity have been intertwined for generations. In the past, poverty patterns have shaped and intergenerally transposed patterns of behavior that restrict today's generations of opportunities. Among the interlocutors, there are significant individual differences that make it impossible to talk about Roma men and women as members of a homogeneous ethnic community, as they also warn about themselves. Nonetheless, they are often a target of discriminatry tratment both in institutions and in everyday life.

Keywords:Roma men, Roma women, poverty, culture of poverty, life world, social exclusion

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