
Izvedba avtomatizacije laboratorijskega šaržnega procesa
ID SKALAR, URBAN (Author), ID Logar, Vito (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Podjetje INEA d.o.o. je za njihovega naročnika izvedlo projekt avtomatizacije šaržnega sistema. Sistem je namenjen testiranju različnih produkcijskih postopkov in mora posledično biti čim bolj prilagodljiv. V osnovi je sestavljen iz treh pozicij, na katere je možno priključiti različne konfiguracije tankov ter sistem za regulacijo temperature. V magistrskem delu je predstavljena izvedba in delovanje sistema. Sistem sledi standardu ANSI/ISA–88.01–1995, ki določa standardne modele in terminologijo za vodenje šaržnih sistemov. Programsko je projekt zasnovan iz treh glavnih delov. PLK program je izveden v okolju Studio 5000 Logix Designer. Orodje Batch Management skrbi za pravilno izvajanje šarže. Orodje SCADA omogoča pregled nad celotnim sistemom in zajem podatkov. Zaradi zahteve po prilagodljivosti sistema, so bile vpeljane tudi konfigurabilne blokade, ki poskrbijo, da se oprema varno odzove na nepravilnosti v procesu. Blokade so odvisne od recepta in se nastavijo na začetku izvajanja šarže. Ker je sistem namenjen testiranju različnih produkcijskih postopkov, bo naročnik po potrebi sam kreiral posamezne recepte. Iz tega razloga je v sistem implementirana tudi simulacija, ki omogoča varno izvajanje šarže brez uporabe fizične opreme.

Keywords:PLK, SCADA, orodje Batch Management, šaržni proces, vodenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109208 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2019
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Title:Development of laboratory batch proces control system
The company INEA d.o.o. did a batching automation project for its client. The system is designed for testing different production procedures and consequently has to be as flexible as possible. Base of the system is represented by three positions, which can be configured with different tanks and system for temperature regulation. This thesis presents implementation and operation of the system. System design is following the ANSI/ISA–88.01–1995 standard, which defines models and terminology for batch control systems. Programmatically, the system consists of three main parts. PLC project is created using Studio 5000 Logix Designer. Tool Batch Management is responsible for correct execution of a batch. SCADA enables supervisory control and data acquisition. Because flexibility of a system is a requirement, a configurable interlocks were introduced to provide safe response of equipment in case of process difficulties. Interlocks are recipe depended and are set at the beginning of batch execution. Because the system is intended for testing different production procedures, the client will make recipes on its own according to the needs. To ensure correct operation of newly created recipes, a simulation is also implemented. This way, a recipe can be safely and thoroughly tested without using physical equipment.

Keywords:PLC, SCADA, Batch Management tool, batch process, control

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