
Optimizacija protokolov za slikanje abdomna in kolkov v veterini : diplomsko delo
ID Kocbek, Teja (Author), ID Perša, Saša (Author), ID Starc, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mekiš, Nejc (Comentor)

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Uvod: Splošna rentgenska diagnostika se v veterini kljub razvoju sodobno naprednih diagnostičnih postopkov kot so računalniška tomografija (CT), magnetna resonanca (MR), ultrazvok (UZ) in nuklearno medicinskih preiskav še vedno najpogosteje uporablja v vsakodnevni klinični praksi. Namen: Namen diplomske naloge je bil optimizacija obstoječih ekspozicijskih parametrov na področju nativnega radiološkega slikanja kolkov in abdomna v veterini (kadavra - psa težkega 40 kg). Nadaljnji namen je bil izmeriti hitrost doze na različnih mestih v prostoru ter seznaniti veterinarja z načini zmanjševanja prejete doze z uporabo zaščitnih sredstev. Metode dela: V prvem delu raziskave smo spreminjali ekspozicijske pogoje in opazovali njihov vpliv na kakovost rentgenske slike in DAP (dose area product, op. prev. produkt absorbirane doze in ploščine slikovnega polja) kadavra psa. Prav tako smo spreminjali velikost slikovnega polja in opazovali vpliv na DAP. V drugem delu raziskave smo izvedli meritve hitrost doze veterinarja ob slikanju (velikost slikovnega polja 40 cm × 20 cm) ob uporabi enakih ekspozicijskih pogojev, 70 kV ter 15 mAs. Meritve smo izvajali tik ob psu, 1 meter stran od psa ter v kotu prostora (1,6 m). Rezultati: Pri zmanjšanju slikovnega polja iz 50 × 50 cm na 25 × 20 cm, ob uporabi enakih ekspozicijskih pogojev, se je DAP pri slikanju kolka znižal za 77,5 % ter pri slikanju abdomna za 30 %. Poleg zmanjšanja polja smo optimizirali še ekspozicijske pogoje in to prejeto dozo pri slikanju kolka znižali še za 41,6 %, pri slikanju abdomna pa za 39,6 %. Ob zmanjšanju polja in optimizaciji ekspozicijskih pogojev je prejeta doza pri slikanju kolka tako le 13 % in pri slikanju abdomna 42,2 % začetne prejete doze. Ob premiku veterinarja brez osebne varovalne opreme iz neposredne bližine psa na razdaljo 1 meter od slikovnega polja, se je hitrost doze zmanjšala za 49,6 %, v oddaljenosti 1,6 m pa za 90,3 %. Z uporabo osebne varovalne opreme pa se je hitrost doze zmanjšala še za 98-99 %. Razprava in zaključek: Z optimizacijo protokola pri slikanju kadavra psa smo znižali prejeto dozo za 87 %. Uporaba osebne varovalne opreme za osebje, ki izvaja slikanje je ključnega pomena, saj zniža dozno obremenitev za 99 %.

Keywords:optimizacija protokolov, rentgensko slikanje abdomna in kolkov, veterina, DAP, zaščitna sredstva
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109135 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5669739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2019
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Title:Optimization of protocols for abdomen and hips in veterinary : diploma work
Introduction: General radiological technology in veterinary medicine, despite the development of modern advanced diagnostic procedures such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR), ultrasound (UZ) and scintigraphy, is still the most commonly used in everyday clinical practice. Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation was to optimize the existing exposure parameters in the field of native radiological imaging of the hips and abdomen in veterinary medicine (cadaver - dog 40 kg). A further purpose was to measure the dose rates in different places in the room and to inform the veterinarian with ways to reduce the absorbed dose received using protective agents. Methods: In the first part of the study, we changed the exposure conditions and observed their effect on the quality of the X-ray image and DAP (dose area product, op., product of the absorbed dose and the image field plane) of the cadaver dog. We also changed the size of the image field and observed the effect on DAP. In the second part of the research we carried out the measurements of the dose rate for the veterinarian while taking an x-ray (size 40 cm × 20 cm) using the same expositional conditions, 70 kV and 15 mAs. The measurements were conducted right next to the dog, 1 meter away from the dog, and in the corner of the room (1.6 m). Results: When we decreased the image field from 50 × 50 cm to 25 × 20 cm, using the same exposure conditions, the DAP has decreased by 77.5%, when imaging the hip, and in the case of abdomen imaging by 30%. In addition to reducing the field, the exposure conditions were also optimized, and this received a 41.6% reduction in the received hip dose while the abdomen was shot by 39.6%. When the field is reduced and the optimization of the exposure conditions is reached, the received hip dose rate is only 13% of the initial dose received and in the abdominal imaging 42.2% of the initial dose received. When the veterinarian moves without personal protective equipment from the immediate vicinity of the dog at a distance of 1 meter from the image field, the dose rate is reduced by 49.6% and at a distance of 1.6 m by 90.3%. With the use of personal protective gear, the dose rate decreased by 98-99%. Discussion and conclusion: The optimization of the protocol when we shot the dog cadaver reduced the dose received by 87%. The use of personal protective equipment for personnel performing imaging is crucial, as it reduces the dose load by 99%.

Keywords:optimization of the protocols, x-ray imaging of stomach and hips, veterinary, DAP, protective gear

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