
Socialnodelovni koncepti in metode pri terapijah s pomočjo konj
ID Marzidovšek, Ana (Author), ID Zorn, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi želim predstaviti aktivnosti in terapije s pomočjo konja v povezavi s socialnodelovnimi koncepti. V prvem delu teoretičnega uvoda bom najprej predstavila zgodovinski razvoj tovrstnih terapij, razdelitev terapij in vrste terapij, kdo sestavlja terapevtski »tim«, kdo so uporabniki in pa način financiranja. V drugem delu teoretičnega uvoda pa bom predstavila izbrane socialnodelovne koncepte, ki so se mi zdeli primerni za raziskovanje. Predstavila bom koncept delovnega odnosa, krepitve moči, soustvarjanja, koncept izvirnega delovnega projekta pomoči ter metodo supervizije. V empiričnem delu raziskujem potek terapij s pomočjo konja, odnos terapevt − uporabnik, zametke konceptov socialnega dela, podporo terapevtom in financiranje terapij. Do odgovorov in zaključkov sem prišla s pomočjo intervjujev, ki sem jih opravila s sodelujočimi terapevti.

Keywords:Terapije s pomočjo konj, aktivnosti s pomočjo konj, socialno delo, socialnodelovni koncepti.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Concepts and Methods of Social Work in Equine Assisted Therapy
In my thesis I want to present activities and therapies with horses in relation to social-working concepts. In the first part of the theoretical introduction I will introduce the historical development of such therapies, the division of therapies and types of therapies, who makes up a therapeutic team, who are the users and the method of financing. In the second part of the theoretical introduction I will present the social-working concepts that I found suitable for the research. I will present the concept of the work relationship, empowerment, co-creation, the original working project of help and support and the method of supervising. In the empirical part I am researching the course of therapies with horses, the relationship between the therapist and the user, concepts of social work, support for therapists and financing of the therapies. I came to answers and conclusions with the help of interviews I concluded with the participating therapists.

Keywords:Equine assisted therapy, equine assisted activities, social work, social work concepts.

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