
Starši otrok z učnimi težavami o naučeni nemoči in družinski odpornosti
ID Tekavc, Petra (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi sem raziskovala pojav naučene nemoči in družinsko odpornost. Ljudje lahko na vsakem koraku naletimo na razne ovire in doživimo neuspehe vedno znova in znova. Pri ljudeh s pesimističnim pojasnjevalnim slogom se ob ponavljajočem neuspehu in neuspelem trudu lahko razvije naučena nemoč. Naučeno nemoč sem želela raziskati z vidika staršev otrok z učnimi težavami. Starši v otrokovem življenju igrajo pomembno vlogo, zato jih je potrebno vključiti v šolsko in strokovno delo in jih ozaveščati o pojavu naučene nemoči. Del magistrske naloge sem namenila družinski odpornosti, kjer sem raziskovala, kakšne strategije družine uporabijo ob raznih izzivih, ki jih prinese življenje. V prvem delu magistrske naloge pišem o zgodovini pojava naučene nemoči, njeni opredelitvi ter o kritikah in omejitvah pojava naučene nemoči. Dotaknem se tudi pojasnjevalnega sloga ter atribucijske teorije in vse skupaj zaokrožim s tehnikami, ki delujejo pri preprečevanju naučene nemoči. Prvi del zaključim s predstavitvijo družinske odpornosti. Drugi del magistrske naloge namenjam metodologiji in raziskavi, kjer ob koncu poglavja predstavim dobljene rezultate, sklepe in predloge. V raziskavi me je zanimalo, ali starši otrok z učnimi težavami poznajo pojem naučene nemoči, ali so pojav zaznali pri sebi in svojih otrocih ter kako so se z naučeno nemočjo soočali. Zanimalo me je tudi kakšno pomoč potrebujejo ob naučeni nemoči ter na kakšne načine se kot družina spopadajo z različnimi izzivi, ki jih prinese življenje. Rezultati so pokazali, da starši otrok z učnimi težavami pojma naučena nemoč pred opredelitvijo niso poznali, vendar so se s pojavom že srečali pri sebi in svojih otrocih.

Keywords:Naučena nemoč, starši, učne težave, družinska odpornost, socialno delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109089 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Parents of children with learning difficulties about the learned helplessness and family resilience
In the master’s thesis, I researched the emergence of learned helplessness and family resilience. People can encounter various obstacles in every step we make and experience failures again and again. Learned helplessness can develop in people with pessimistic explanatory style in the case of continuing failure and failed efforts. I wished to research learned helplessness from the perspective of parents of children with learning difficulties. Parents play an important role in a child’s life. Therefore, it is necessary to include them in school and professional work and make them aware of the emergence of learned helplessness. I dedicated a part of the master’s thesis to family resilience where I researched what strategies families use facing different challenges brought by life. In the first part of the master’s thesis, I write about the history of the emergence of learned helplessness, its definition, and the criticisms and limitations of the emergence of learned helplessness. I also mention the explanatory style and the attribution theory and I wrap up with the techniques which are useful in preventing learned helplessness. I finish the first part with the presentation of family resilience. I dedicate the second part of the master’s thesis to the methodology and research. At the end of the chapter, I present the acquired results, conclusions, and proposals. In the research, I was curious whether the parents of children with learning difficulties know the term of learned helplessness, whether they sensed the phenomenon in them and their children, and how they faced learned helplessness. I was also interested in what help they need in the case of learned helplessness and in what ways they cope with different challenges brought by life as a family. The results showed that the parents of children with learning difficulties were not familiar with the conception of learned helplessness before it was defined to them. However, they encountered the phenomenon in them and in their children.

Keywords:Learned helplessness, parents, learning difficulties, family resilience, social work

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