
Učinki izvedbe glasbenih delavnic na stare ljudi z demenco v domu Petra Uzarja Tržič
ID Baškovč, Tjaša (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Knoll, Špela Loti (Comentor)

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V socialnem delu je pogosto pogovor tisti, s pomočjo katerega se dogaja proces pomoči. Na podlagi izkušenj menim, da včasih besede niso potrebne, včasih lahko zvok glasbe preseže besede, ki jih izražamo, včasih je lahko glasba tista, ki spodbudi besede. Za diplomsko nalogo sem izvedla glasbene delavnice v Domu Petra Uzarja Tržič. Delavnice so potekale enkrat tedensko 3 mesece z dvema skupinama s tremi članicami z demenco. Pri delu sem uporabljala strukturirane in nestrukturirane tehnike glasbene terapije. V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala, kakšni so učinki izvedbe glasbenih delavnic na gospe z demenco. Zanimalo me je, kako glasba učinkuje na njihovo aktivnost v govoru in v glasbi, kako vpliva na socialne interakcije med posameznicami v skupini, kako glasba gospe z demenco spodbudi k odzivanju in kako delavnice učinkujejo na različni skupini udeleženk. Kvalitativna raziskava vključuje 6 posameznic z demenco, ki stanujejo v Domu Petra Uzarja Tržič. Podatke sem pridobila z opazovanjem pri popolni udeležbi in ugotovila, da so učinki glasbenih delavnic vidni v aktivnosti, odzivanju in socialnih interakcijah ter da so ti odvisni od posameznic in obdobja demence. Raziskava pokaže, da so skozi srečanja spremembe in premiki posameznic vidni kljub demenci, ki ovira kratkoročni spomin.

Keywords:demenca, socialno delo, glasbena terapija, uporaba glasbe
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109086 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of music workshops on old people with dementia in the old people's home of Peter Uzar Tžič
In social work, often the conversation is the one through which the process takes place. On the basis of experience, I feel that sometimes words are not necessary, sometimes the sound of music can exceed the words we express, sometimes music can also be the one that encourages words. I had musical workshops in the elderly care home of Peter Uzar Tržič. Workshops were held once a week for 3 months with two groups with three members who have dementia. I used structured and unstructured music therapy techniques. I investigated the effects of the performance of musical workshops on individuals with dementia. I was interested in how music influences on their activity in speech and in music, how it affects the social interactions of individuals in the group, how the music stimulates the individual's response, and what are the outcomes of workshops on different groups of individuals. Qualitative research includes 6 individuals with dementia who live in elderly care home of Peter Uzar Tržič. I gained the data by observing with full participation and found out that the effects of music workshops are visible in activities, responses and social interactions, and that these effects depend on individuals and the period of dementia. The research shows that through workshops there are changes nevertheless people have dementia, which hinders short-term memory.

Keywords:dementia, social work, music therapy, use of music

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