
Med izključevanjem in nadzorom: Prostor v Foucaultovem pojmovanju oblasti
ID Klinc, Erik (Author), ID Dolar Bahovec, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava pojem prostora v njegovem izključevalnem smislu. V prvem delu s pomočjo Foucaultove filozofske misli in njegovih raziskav na področjih razvoja psihiatričnih ustanov in zaporov izpostavi prostor v odnosu do nekaterih njegovih glavnih pojmov, kot so oblast, nadzorovanje in disciplina. Nadalje razloži sam pojem oblasti kot komplesen skupek več različnih dejavnikov in pojasni, da je splošno sprejeto razmišljanje o tem pojmu večkrat zavajajoče. Ker je za razumevanje prostora, ki kot temeljni pojem pri Foucaultu ni izrecno izpostavljen, pomembno razumevanje tako oblasti kakor tudi splošnega delovanja družbenega telesa, se velik del naloge, tudi s pomočjo Deleuzove analize Foucaultovega dela, ukvarja z razlago samega Foucaultovega načina filozofiranja. Drugi del naloge vpelje kot protiutež filozofskemu razmišljanju o prostorih izključevanja sociološko analizo Ervinga Goffmana in osvetli prostore izključevanja v okvirih njihovih vplivov na posameznika. Izpostavi izrazito negativno poudarjeno vlogo psihiatričnih bolnišnic in ostalih totalnih ustanov pri poseganju v posameznikove ustaljene načine življenja in delovanja in spreminjanju oz. izničevanju njegove identitete. V zadnjem delu, se naloga, predvsem s pomočjo raziskave Eve D. Bahovec, usmeri v iskanje prostorov izključevanja, ki bi lahko predstavljali pozitivno naravnane učinke varnosti in kritičnega mišljenja ter poučevanja. Naloga naposled poskuša odgovoriti na vprašanja, ki so povezana z našim razmišljanjem o prostorih izključevanja v filozofskem, sociološkem in arhitekturnem smislu.

Keywords:disciplinska oblast, nadzorovanje, izključevanje, prostor, kritično mišljenje, totalne ustanove, heterotopije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108909 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Between Exclusion and Discipline: Space in Foucault´s Notion of Power
Undergraduate thesis deals with the notion of space in the sense of exclusion. In the first part, it exposes space in relation to some of Foucault´s main notions, such as power, control and discipline through his philosophical research on the development of psychiatric institutions and prisons. Furthermore, it defines the notion of power as a complex system of many diverse factors, and explaines how the generally accepted ideas about it are usually missleading. A large portion of the thesis tries to explain power, society and the philosophy of Michel Foucault as a whole, because of its importance for understanding the space which is not analysed separately in Foucault´s work as one of the fundamental notions. As a counterpart to the philosophical elaborations of space, the second part of the thesis deals with the sociological analysis of Erving Goffman and illuminates spaces of exclusion and their effects on the individuals. It shows the distinctly negative role of psychiatric hospitals and other total institutions as they interfere with individual´s way of life and work towards the eradication of their identity. In the last part, the research is focused on a search of spaces of exclusion which could present positive effects of safety, critical thinking and teaching. Lastly, the thesis tries to answer some of the questions which arise when we think about spaces in philosophical, sociological and architectural sense

Keywords:disciplinary power, control, exclusion, space, critical thinking, total institutions, heterotopias

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