
Podoba Slovencev in Slovenije v literarnem ustvarjanju kočevskih Nemcev: primer zgodovinskega romana in avtobiografske pripovedi
ID Rezoničnik, Lidija (Author), ID Smolej, Tone (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pezdirc-Bartol, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kočevski Nemci so na območju Kočevske živeli od priselitve v 14. stoletju do druge svetovne vojne (1941/1942). Sobivanje s slovensko skupnostjo je ena izmed tem njihovega literarnega ustvarjanja, ki je glavni predmet diplomske naloge. Raziskava se osredotoča na dve izbrani deli kočevarskih avtorjev: zgodovinski roman Karla Roma Rebellion in der Gottschee (1938) in avtobiografsko pripoved Zvonovi so umolknili (2010) Johna Tschinkla. Na podlagi imagologije analizira literarni prikaz podobe Slovencev in Slovenije v obeh delih in ugotavlja, da so zgodovinske okoliščine in zunajliterarni namen dela vplivali na prikazano podobo. Medtem ko roman Rebellion in der Gottschee vzpostavlja stereotip neodločnega in podrejenega Slovenca, v odnosu med tujim (slovensko) in lastnim (kočevsko) pa je v njem po kategorijah Daniela-Henrija Pageauxa mogoče prepoznati fobijo, gre v avtobiografski pripovedi Zvonovi so umolknili za poskus objektivnega prikaza zgodovinskih dogodkov tako s slovenskega kot z nemškega gledišča in imagološko kategorijo filije.

Keywords:kočevski Nemci, imagologija, podoba Slovencev in Slovenije, Rebellion in der Gottschee, Zvonovi so umolknili
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108892 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.07.2019
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Title:The Image of Slovenes and Slovenia in the Literary Works of Gottschee Germans: i.e. Historical Novel and Autobiographical Narration
The Gottschee Germans lived in the Gottschee region since their colonisation in the 14th century until the 2nd World War (1941/1942). Coexistence with the Slovenian community is one of the main topics of their literary works and the main subject of the thesis. The research focuses on two selected literary works written by Gottschee authors: i.e. the historical novel Rebellion in der Gottschee (1938) by Karl Rom and the autobiography Zvonovi so umolknili (The Bells Ring No More) (2010) by John Tschinkel. Based on imagology, the thesis analyses the literary depiction of Slovenia and Slovenes in both works and establishes that historical circumstances and the non-literary purpose of the work influenced the depicted portrayal. On the one hand, the novel Rebellion in der Gottschee portrays a stereotypically indecisive Slovenian in a subordinated position, while, according to the Daniel-Henri Pageaux´s classification of different approaches, phobic relationship towards Slovenian culture can be identified in its relation between the Other (Slovenian) and one’s own (Gottscheerisch), while the main goal of the autobiography Zvonovi so umolknili (The Bells Ring No More) is to show historical events objectively from both Slovenian and German point of view and in terms of imagological classification of philia.

Keywords:Gottschee Germans, imagology, image of Slovenes and Slovenia, Rebellion in der Gottschee, Zvonovi so umolknili/The Bells Ring No More

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