
Ocenjevanje izdelkov pri tehniki in tehnologiji
ID Hafner, Maja (Author), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5863/ This link opens in a new window

Ocenjevanje in vrednotenje znanja pri učencih je eno od učiteljevih najpomembnejših nalog, zato se nam zdi pomembno, da so učitelji (dobro) izobraženi na tem področju. Predvsem pri predmetu tehnika in tehnologija (TiT) morajo biti učitelji še posebej pozorni, saj pogosto ocenjujejo konkretne izdelke, za kar pa morajo imeti dobro zasnovan kriterij, v nasprotnem primeru lahko hitro pride do odstopanj in pristranskosti, kar pa privede do nepravičnih ocen. Zato bomo tekom pisanja diplomskega dela pogledali, kaj je o ocenjevanju izdelkov zapisano v učnem načrtu, kakšne so smernice in predlogi. Nato bomo pogledali nekaj konkretnih primerov kriterijev za ocenjevanje izdelkov, ki so trenutno v uporabi v slovenskih osnovnih šolah (OŠ). Naredili bomo tudi analizo teh kriterijev in analizirali, kaj so njihove prednosti in kaj njihove pomanjkljivosti. Predstavili bomo tudi druge oblike ocenjevanja pri TiT, poleg ocenjevanja izdelkov. Velik del diplomskega dela bomo namenili uporabnosti kriterijskega ocenjevanja izdelkov. Predstavili bomo intervju z izkušeno učiteljico TiT ter prikazali njen pogled na ocenjevanje izdelkov. Nato bomo podali analizo obstoječih kriterijev v slovenskih OŠ ter izpostavili njihove prednosti in pomanjkljivosti. V poglavju 3.3 pa bomo predstavili naš predlog kriterijskega ocenjevanja izdelkov. Podan bo zelo preprosto, z namenom da ga razumejo predvsem vsi učenci, vendar še vedno dovolj strokovno, da vsak učitelj takoj vidi, da so v njem zavzeti vsi parametri. V zadnjih dveh poglavjih (diskusija in zaključek) se bomo ukvarjali z odgovarjanjem na vprašanja zastavljena na začetku diplomske naloge in podajanjem zaključnih misli. Tekom diplomske naloge smo pregledali in analizirali več kriterijev ocenjevanja. Izpostavili smo njihove prednosti in pomanjkljivosti. Pomanjkljivost je predvsem ta, da ne dajejo dovolj poudarka ocenjevanju odnosa do predmeta in izdelka in da so opisniki napisani preveč obsežno in nerazumljivo. V ta namen smo napisali svoj primer kriterija, ki pa bi ga bilo treba preveriti še v praksi, kar pa je dobro izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskovanje.

Keywords:tehnika in tehnologija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108840 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12521289 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Assessment of Products in Technology and Engineering Lessons
Evaluating and evaluating pupils' knowledge is one of the teacher's most important tasks. Therefore, it seems to us that teachers are educated in this field. Especially with Design and technology, teachers need to be particularly careful because they often evaluate products for which they must have a well-designed criterion, otherwise, deviations or unfair estimates can quickly occur. Therefore, during the graduation thesis we will look at what the product's evaluation of the product is about, the curriculum, what are the guidelines and suggestions. Next, we will look at some concrete examples of the criteria for evaluating products that are currently being used by Slovenian elementary schools. We will also analyse these criteria and look at what their advantages are and what their weaknesses are. We will also present other forms of evaluation at Design and technology, in addition to product evaluation. A large part of the thesis will be dedicated to the usefulness of the criterion evaluation of products. We will present an interview with an experienced Design and technology teacher and present her view of product evaluation. We will then analyse the existing criteria in the Slovenian elementary schools, and highlight their advantages and disadvantages. In Chapter 3.3, we will present our proposal for a Critical Product Evaluation. It will be very simple to be understood, especially by all students, but still sufficiently professional, so that each teacher immediately sees that all the parameters are taken. In the last two chapters (discussion and conclusion) we will deal with answering the questions posed at the beginning of the thesis and giving final thoughts. During the graduation thesis we examined and analyzed several evaluation criteria. We highlighted their advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is, in particular, that they do not give enough emphasis to assessing the relation to the object and the product, and that the descriptors are written too extensive and incomprehensible. To this end, we have written our example of a criterion, which should be checked in practice, which is a good starting point for further research. KEY WORDS: Design and Technology, assessment, evaluation, criterion-based product assessment.

Keywords:design and technology

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