
Odnos vzgojiteljic in pomočnic vzgojiteljice do rabe slovenščine v vrtcu
ID Levičnik, Klavdija (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5855/ This link opens in a new window

Govor je kompleksen psihološki proces, ki se razvija na podlagi bioloških in psiholoških faktorjev ter tudi socialnega okolja. Ljudem je razvoj govora pri otrocih skoraj samoumeven, a je to prepričanje zmotno. Govor in jezikovno znanje nam nista dana, ampak si ju moramo prisvojiti po naravni poti, če so težave, pa z dolgotrajnim procesom (Žnidarič, 1993). Na otroka kot zunanji dejavnik zelo pomembno vpliva govor odraslih, kar pomeni, da mora vzgojiteljica dobro poznati svoj stil komunikacije (Kranjc in Saksida, 2010). V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je zajeto vse o socialnih zvrsteh slovenskega jezika, podroben opis zbornega knjižnega jezika, knjižnega pogovornega jezika ter neknjižne zvrsti jezika. Sledi poglavje o razvoju govora pri otrocih glede na starost ter nato še poglavje sporazumevanje, ki vključuje dejavnike sporočanja in sporazumevalna načela. Zadnje poglavje pa zajema jezik v vrtcu kot področje dejavnosti po kurikulumu. V empiričnem delu so zastavljeni naslednji cilji raziskave. Katero zvrst jezika uporabljajo vzgojiteljice in katero pomočnice vzgojiteljice in ali se pri tem pojavljajo razlike ter ali prihaja do razlik glede na starost pedagoškega delavca in glede na starostno obdobje otrok, v katerem delajo. Cilj raziskave pa je bil ugotoviti tudi, kakšen način komunikacije s starši uporabljajo vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice najpogosteje in kateri način jim je najtežji. Predstavljeni so rezultati pridobljeni z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki je bil sestavljen iz 1 kombiniranega vprašanja ter 16 vprašanj zaprtega tipa. Dobljeni rezultati so pretvorjeni v odstotke ter predstavljeni z diagrami in tabelami. Rezultati so pokazali, da so vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice otrokom dober zgled, saj v komunikaciji z njimi prevladuje knjižni pogovorni jezik ter zborni knjižni jezik, neknjižni pogovorni jezik pa se pojavlja redkeje. Med starostnimi skupinami vzgojiteljic in pomočnic vzgojiteljice v rabi določene zvrsti jezika prihaja le do manjših razlik, sicer pa pomočnice vzgojiteljice pogosteje uporabljajo knjižni jezik in pogosteje v 2. starostnem obdobju. Izkazalo se je tudi, da v komunikaciji s starši večina uporablja knjižni jezik in le majhen odstotek neknjižni pogovorni jezik. Pri tem pa je vsem najtežji način komunikacije s starši frontalno javno sporočanje.

Keywords:zborni jezik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108832 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12518473 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The attitude of preschool teachers and their assistants towards the use of the slovenian language in kindergarten
Speech is a complex psychological process, that develops based on biological and psychological factors and social environment. Child’s speech development is often taken for granted, although it shouldn’t be. The abilities of speech and understanding a language are not given to us at birth. We have to earn them naturally or, if some issues appear, through long process. (Žnidarič, 1993). One of the most important external factors, that make an impact on the way a child will speak and on his whole ability to speak, is the way adults speak around him. That is why a kindergarten teacher has to know her/his own style of communication very well. (Kranjc in Saksida, 2010). Theoretical part of thesis covers everything on social categories of Slovenian language, detailed description of formal Slovenian language, spoken language and some forms of unformal Slovenian language. Next chapter is focused on the development of child’s speech based on his age. After that, there is a chapter about communication that includes aspects of transferring information and principles of informing. Last chapter covers the language in kindergarten as part of curriculum. These next goals of the research are presented in the empirical part of thesis. Which category of Slovenian language is used by kindergarten teachers and their assistants and if there are differences between them. The research also discovers if teachers or children’s age has any effect on the use of a different language category. The goal of the research was also to find out what type of communication is most commonly used when kindergarten teachers are talking to parents and which type seems the most difficult for them (teachers) to use. Presented results were gathered through a survey, that consisted of 1 combined question and 16 closed type questions. Results are converted to percentages are presented with diagrams and tables. Results showed, that kindergarten teachers and their assistants are setting a good example to the children. Most of the teachers and assistants are mostly using spoken and formal Slovenian language. The unformal Slovenian language appears rarely. Age difference between teachers is a minor factor when it comes to the use of different language types. Results show that kindergarten teachers assistants more commonly use formal Slovenian language and more commonly in the 2nd age bracket. The formal Slovenian language is also used in the communication between parents and teachers, as the results have shown. Only a small percentage is using unformal Slovenian language. The most difficult type of communication, based on the research is a frontal public communication.

Keywords:formal Slovenian language

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