
Odpadni nestrukturiran material kot spodbuda za ustvarjalni gib
ID Vadnau, Tjaša (Author), ID Geršak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Predšolsko obdobje je eno izmed najpomembnejših obdobij v življenju, v katerem se začne oblikovati nov človek, ki je v vseh pogledih edinstven. Ker otroci v vrtcu preživijo veliko časa, je pomembno, da vzgojitelji in vzgojiteljice pripravijo spodbudno okolje, v katerem se bo edinstvenost posameznika lahko celostno razvijala, nadgrajevala in oblikovala. Ustvarjalni gib je ena izmed metod celostnega učenja, ki omogoča razvijanje edinstvenosti skozi izražanje lastnih počutij, doživetij, čustev in odnosa do sveta na način, ki ustreza posamezniku. V diplomskem delu sem raziskala, kako lahko s pomočjo zunanjih plesnih spodbud, natančneje odpadnega nestrukturiranega materiala (časopisnega papirja, tulcev in folije z zračnimi mehurčki), motiviramo otroke k ustvarjalnemu gibu. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opredelila pojme, kot so ustvarjalnost, ustvarjalni gib in ples, ti so namreč ključni za razumevanje pomembnosti omenjene vzgojno-izobraževalne metode. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen pomen ustvarjanja z gibanjem za celostni razvoj otroka in za socialno učenje, razvoj mišljenja v odnosu do ustvarjalnega giba in ustvarjalnost v odnosu do pedagoškega koncepta Reggio Emilia. Osredotočila sem se tudi na elemente plesa in plesne spodbude, na koncu pa sem se dotaknila še medpodročnega povezovanja v vrtcu. V empiričnem delu sem se odločila za praktično izvajanje dejavnosti s pomočjo ustvarjalnega giba, zunanjih plesnih spodbud in medpodročnega povezovanja. Dejavnosti so potekale v skupini otrok starih 4–5 let. Želela sem izvedeti, ali bo različen odpadni nestrukturiran material spodbudil gibalno izražanje otrok in če, na kakšen način. Končna analiza raziskave je je pokazala, da je odpadni nestrukturiran material otroke spodbudil k različnim oblikam gibalnega izražanja, otroci so v dejavnostih sodelovali z veliko mero zanimanja, podajali so inovativne ideje, povečalo se je tudi število medosebnih interakcij, kar je prispevalo k dinamiki znotraj skupine.

Keywords:ustvarjalni gib
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108820 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12510537 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Unstructured waste material as creative movement incentive
A preschool period is one of the most important phases in our lives in which a new human being, unique in every aspect begins to develop. Due to the fact that children spend a lot of time in kindergartens, it is significant that kindergarten teachers enable an encouraging environment where the uniqueness of an individual can evolve, upgrade and form as a whole. The creative movement is one of the methods of holistic learning that enables the development of uniqueness by expressing moods, experiences, emotions and attitude towards the world in a way that suits an individual. In my thesis I made a research how the children can be motivated towards the creative movement by the means of external dance stimulations, namely unstructured waste materials (newspapers, paper tubes and bubble wrap foil). In the theoretical segment I defined the concepts of creativity, creative movement and dance which all represent the key to understanding the significance of the above-mentioned educational method. Further on, I explained how significant the creation through movement is for the benefit of a child's development as a whole, social learning as well as for the development of thinking in relation to the creative movement. I also discussed creativity in relation to Reggio Emilia pedagogic concept. I focused on dance elements and dance stimulations and, moreover, covered interdisciplinary integration in kindergartens. In the empirical segment I decided to put the concepts of creative movement, external dance stimulations and interdisciplinary integration into practical activities. They were carried out in a group of children aged between 4 and 5. I wanted to discover whether the versatile unstructured waste materials were going to encourage physical expression of the children and in what way. The final analysis showed the unstructured waste materials definitely encouraged the children to practice several ways of physical expression. The children were very eager to cooperate, they shared innovative ideas as well as the number of interpersonal interactions increased, which contributed to a better group dynamic.

Keywords:creative movement

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