
Utrjevanje učne snovi s pomočjo ustvarjalnega giba v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu podaljšanega bivanja
ID Lakič, Nika (Author), ID Geršak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala uporabo učne metode ustvarjalnega giba za utrjevanje učne snovi v prvem razredu osnovne šole v sklopu vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa podaljšanega bivanja. Zanimalo me je, ali lahko metodo uporabim za utrjevanje učne snovi pri vseh predmetih; kako se bo uporaba učne metode odražala na učencih; kakšni bodo odzivi učencev in kakšno bo mnenje učiteljice in vzgojiteljice razreda o uporabi izbrane učne metode. V teoretičnem delu sem se posvetila ustvarjalnemu gibu na splošno in vplivu le tega na otrokov razvoj, uporabi ustvarjalnega giba kot učne metode ter značilnostim in nalogam podaljšanega bivanja. Za empirični del sem v šoli izvedla deset nastopov, ki sem jih nato analizirala. Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da je učno metodo ustvarjalnega giba za utrjevanje učne snovi možno uporabiti pri vseh predmetih, da uporaba ustvarjalnega giba prinese ogromno pozitivnih učinkov (npr. sproščenost učencev, visoko stopnjo motiviranosti, visoko stopnjo zbranosti, pozitivno vzdušje v prostoru, krepitev odnosov med učenci, izboljšanje samopodobe učencev, spodbujanje komunikacije med učenci, učenje na konkretni ravni, stalno prepletanje telesne, miselne in delovne aktivnosti, lažje in trajnejše pomnjenje učne snovi …) ter da so učenci pri dejavnostih z ustvarjalnim gibom radi sodelovali, jih dojemali kot igro in ne kot učenje, se pri tem sprostili in uživali v vsakem trenutku. Najbolj jim je bilo všeč, da so se lahko veliko igrali, gibali in bili pri tem tudi ustvarjalni.

Keywords:ustvarjalni gib
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108818 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12511049 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Consolidation of knowledge with creative movement in the educational after-school programme
This diploma thesis explores the use of the creative movement teaching method for consolidation of learning content in the first grade of elementary school in the framework of the educational process of after-school services. I was interested in whether I can use the method to consolidate learning content in all subjects; how the use of this teaching method will reflect on the students; what opinions the students, the teacher and the teacher’s aid will have about using the teaching method. In the theoretical part I focused on creative movement in general and its influence on the child's development, the use of creative movement as a teaching method and the characteristics and tasks of after-school services. In the empirical part, I held ten presentations at school, which I then analysed. As a result of the research I found that the creative movement teaching method can be used in all subjects, that its use has many positive effects (e.g. relaxation of students, high level of motivation, high level of focus, positive room atmosphere, strengthening the relationships between students, improving students’ self-esteem, encouraging communication among students, learning on a concrete level, constant intertwining of physical, mental and work activity, easier and more sustainable memorisation of learning contents …) and that students liked to participate in activities including creative movement, seeing them as play instead of learning, relaxing and enjoying every moment. Students especially liked that they were able to play a lot, move and be creative.

Keywords:creative movement

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