
Poslopje nekdanjega kranjskega deželnega dvorca v Ljubljani
ID Gindiciosi, Jakob (Author), ID Novak Klemenčič, Renata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo predstavlja umetnostnozgodovinsko obravnavo poslopja nekdanjega kranjskega deželnega dvorca, ki je v Ljubljani nastalo na prelomu iz 19. v 20. stoletje. V uvodnem besedilu je avtor omenjeno tematiko v krajšem sestavku umestil v zgodovinski kontekst. V prvem poglavju se je posvetil orisu razvoja proučevanja arhitekture 19. stoletja (zlasti historistične) v slovenski umetnostni zgodovini in pregledu preteklih raziskav o poslopju, ki je predmet magistrskega dela. V drugem poglavju je avtor obravnaval ožji prostor, v katerem je obravnavano poslopje nastalo s poudarkom na ilustraciji urbanističnih sprememb v tem prostoru med koncem 17. in sredino 20. stoletja. Tretje poglavje obsega pregled ključnih javnih naročil v Ljubljani v zadnji petini 19. in na začetku 20. stoletja, s posebnim oziroma na vprašanje slogovnega okusa takratnih naročnikov javne arhitekture. Četrto poglavje predstavlja obravnavo zgodovinskih pisnih virov, ki pričajo o naročniškem procesu za izgradnjo nekdanjega kranjskega deželnega dvorca. Peto poglavje obsega obravnavo načrtov za nekdanji kranjski deželni dvorec, ki so jih prispevali štirje različni arhitekti. V šestem poglavju je avtor obravnaval izvajalce gradbenih in drugih del, ki so sodelovali pri izgradnji novega deželnega poslopja. V zadnjem poglavju so zbrani podatki o preteklih obnovah obravnavanega poslopja, ki osvetljujejo vprašanje o stopnji ohranjenosti njegove prvotne zasnove.

Keywords:kranjski deželni dvorec, Joseph Maria Olbrich, Jan Vladimir Hrasky, Josef Hudetz, historizem, parlamentarna arhitektura
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108804 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.07.2019
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Title:The parliament building of Duchy of Carniola in Ljubljana
The master's thesis presents an art-history analysis of the parliament building of Duchy Carniola, which was built in Ljubljana at the turn of the 19th century. In the short introductory text, the author placed the mentioned subject in historical context. The first chapter outlines the development of the study of the 19th century architecture (especially the architecture of historicism) in Slovenian art-history. In addition there is a review of past research on the parliament building of Carniola. In the second chapter, the author examined the immediate surroundings in which the discussed building was created with an emphasis on the illustration of urban changes in this area between the end of the 17th and the middle of the 20th century. The third chapter includes an overview of key public commissions in Ljubljana in the late 19th and early 20th century, with a special focus on the style of these public commissions. The fourth chapter presents various historical written sources which testify to the commissioning process for the construction of the Carniolian parliament building. The fifth chapter presents the plans for the building, which were contributed by four different architects. In the sixth chapter, the author examines the work of the builders that collaborated in the construction of the new provincial building. Finally, the last chapter, presents the particulars from the past renovations of the given building, which highlights the degree of conservation of its original design.

Keywords:parliament building of Carniola, Joseph Maria Olbrich, Jan Vladimir Hrasky, Josef Hudetz, historicism, parliament architecture

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