
Simulacija kinematike zobate verige
ID Marinko, Jure (Author), ID Nagode, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šeruga, Domen (Comentor)

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Ideja zaključne naloge je izdelati numerični model in video simulacijo, ki bo služila kot pedagoški pripomoček za lažje razumevanje delovanja zobatih verig. Implementacija tega je bila izdelana v programskem okolju Python, rezultati pa prikazani v diagramih programskega paketa matplotlib. Iz simulacije je razvidno, da ima veriga poligonski efekt, prav tako pa je opazna njena posebnost, da se oblika zob tekom obratovanja spreminja. Od tod verjetno tudi njena lastnost silent chain (ang. tiha veriga). Numerični model pa je zasnovan kar se da splošno in pregledno, da je mogoča nadaljnja nadgradnja.

Keywords:zobate verige, evolventni zobniki, numerični modeli, simulacije, poligonski efekti
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Marinko]
Number of pages:XII, 35 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108763 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16731931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Simulation of kinematic of silent chain
The idea behind the final thesis is to produce a numerical model and video simulation, which will serve as a pedagogical tool for easier understanding of the operation of the silent chains. This implementation was done in the Python program environment and the results are shown in the diagrams of the matplotlib software package. It is evident from the simulation, that the chain has a polygon effect and it is noticeable that shape of the teeth is not constant. Hence its characteristic is silent chain. The numerical model is designed as widely and transparently as possible for further upgrading.

Keywords:silent chains, involute gears, numerical models, simulations, polygon effects

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