
Doživljanje stresnih dogodkov in zanosa pri delu vrhunskih športnikov
ID Špat, Zala (Author), ID Kobal Grum, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kajtna, Tanja (Comentor)

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Vrhunski športniki se pri svojem delu srečujejo z mnogimi stresnimi situacijami. Njihovo delo je specifično, razgibano, a izjemno zahtevno. V raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v doživljanju stresa med vrhunskimi športniki ekipnih in individualnih športov. Prav tako nas je zanimalo, ali se omenjeni skupini razlikujeta v doživljanju zanosa na delovnem mestu ter ali obstaja morebitna povezava med doživljanjem stresa ter zanosa pri delu vrhunskih športnikih. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 71 vrhunskih športnikov, od tega 32 športnikov individualnih športov ter 39 športnikov skupinskih športov. Z uporabo Lestvice za oceno stresa pri delu (EAE – D), Lestvice za oceno stresa v življenju na splošno (EAE – Ž) ter Vprašalnika zanosa pri delu (WOLF) smo ugotovili, da med skupinama ne obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v doživljanju stresa v življenju na splošno. Prav tako se skupini ne razlikujeta v doživljanju zanosa na delovnem mestu, medtem ko obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v doživljanju stresa na delovnem mestu. Ugotovitve nakazujejo, da športniki skupinskih športov doživljajo več stresnih dogodkov kot športniki individualnih športov. Je pa potrebno izpostaviti še eno zanimivo dejstvo – statistično pomembne razlike se pojavljajo le pri številu stresnih dogodkov, ne pa tudi pri jakosti le-teh. Zanimiva je tudi ugotovitev, da ne obstajajo močne povezave med različnimi dimenzijami stresa na delovnem mestu ali na splošno v življenju ter zanosa na delovnem mestu. Med različnimi poddimenzijami obstaja le ena statistično pomembna povezava. Čeprav je tovrstna raziskava ena redkih, ki raziskuje omenjeni skupini, se rezultati skladajo s teorijo. Udeleženci skupinskih športov se soočajo z večjo količino stresorjev, ki so le posredno povezani s tekmovanjem, kot individualni športniki.

Keywords:stres, zanos, delo, vrhunski šport, poklicni športniki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108737 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.07.2019
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Title:Experiencing stressful events and flow at work among professional athletes
Professional athletes are faced with many stressful situations at their work. Their work is specific, varied, but extremely demanding. In the research we wanted to find out whether there are differences in experiencing stress among professional athletes in team and individual sports. We were also interested in whether these groups differ in experiencing flow at work and whether there is a potential connection between experiencing stress and flow at work. 71 top Slovenian athletes participated, including 32 athletes participating in individual sports and 39 athletes participating in group sports. Using the Work Stress Assessment Scale (EAE – D), Life Stress Assessment Scale (EAE – Ž) and The Work – related Flow Inventory (WOLF), we found that there are no statistically significant differences in life stress in general between groups. Similarly, the groups do not differ in experiencing flow at work, while there are statistically significant differences in experiencing stress at the workplace. The findings suggest that athletes in group sports experience more stressful events than athletes in individual sports. However, another interested fact is to be highlighted – statistically significant differences occur only in the number of stressful events, but not in the strength of them. It is also interesting to note that there are no strong links between the various dimensions of stress at work or in life in general and flow at work. There is only one significant connection between stress and flow. Although this type of research is one of the few that explores this particular group, the results are quite reasonable. Participants in group sports are faced with a greater number of stressors that are indirectly related to the competition than athletes in individual sports.

Keywords:stress, flow, work, professional sport, professional athletes

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