
Predstavitev ektodomene eritropoetinskega receptorja na nitastem bakteriofagu za detekcijo mimetikov eritropoetina
ID Cetin, Sandra (Author), ID Bratkovič, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Molek, Peter (Comentor)

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Eritropoetin je protein, ki spodbuja eritropoezo in tako povečuje oksiformno kapaciteto krvi. Slednja korelira s fizično vzdržljivostjo, zaradi česar nekateri športniki posegajo po različnih rekombinantnih eritropoetinih, kljub prepovedi s strani Svetovne antidopinške organizacije. Najbolj problematična je uporaba t.i. mimetikov eritropoetina – snovi, ki se, strukturno gledano, bistveno razlikujejo od eritropoetina, imajo pa eritropoetinu podoben fizološki učinek. Obstoječe analizne metode namreč niso sposobne dokazovanja prisotnosti le teh v bioloških vzorcih športnikov, saj temeljijo na dokazovanju snovi znane strukture ali na posredni potrditvi dopinga preko dolgotrajnega spremljanja določenih parametrov v krvi ali urinu. Namen magistrske naloge je priprava in vrednotenje univerzalne testne platforme za detekcijo mimetikov eritropoetina v bioloških vzorcih športnikov, ne glede na njihovo strukturo. Testna platforma temelji na bakteriofagih M13, ki na svoji površini predstavljajo ektodomeno eritropoetinskega receptorja (EpoR). Fage v testni platformi uporabljamo kot alternativo primarnim protitelesom v dveh ločenih encimskoimunskih testih (ELISA). ELISA1 z imobiliziranimi ligandi za EpoR omogoča detekcijo fagov z nezasedenimi EpoR, ELISA2 z imobiliziranimi protitelesi anti-c-myc pa odraža delež fagov z zasedenimi EpoR. Razmerje signalov ELISA1/ELISA2 nakazuje na prisotnost oz. odsotnost mimetikov eritropoetina, pri čemer višje vrednosti nakazujejo na vzorec brez mimetikov, nižje pa na prisotnost mimetikov. Fage smo pripravili tako, da smo genski konstrukt za eritropoetinski receptor vstavili v fagmidni vektor in ga nato vstavili v kompetentne celice ter izvedli superinfekcijo s pomožnim fagom. Po izolaciji rekombinantnih fagov M13-EpoR smo funkcionalnost predstavljenega receptorja potrdili s testom ELISA. V nadaljevanju smo določili optimalne koncentracije fagov, ligandov za eritropoetinski receptor ter protiteles za uporabo v testni platformi. Pri preskušanju testne platforme z uporabo umetnega matriksa, ki oponaša biološke vzorce, smo ugotovili, da test ELISA1 zanesljivo loči neoporečen vzorec (brez mimetikov) od sumljivega vzorca (z mimetikom). Kljub temu celotna platforma ni dala željenih rezultatov, saj so odzivi pri testu ELISA2 bili visoki, ne glede na prisotnost mimetikov eritropoetina. Na podlagi rezultatov preskušanja odstranitve fagov s paramagnetnimi kroglicami smo sklepali, da znaten delež fagov predstavlja okrnjen fuzijski protein na svoji površini, in sicer myc-tag brez EpoR, zaradi česar se fagi vežejo na protitelesa anti-c-myc v testu ELISA2, kljub temu da nimajo EpoR. Za izboljšanje testa ELISA2 predlagamo prestavljanje myc-tag-a na skrajni N-konec izraženega EpoR.

Keywords:predstavitev na bakteriofagu, detekcija dopinga, eritropoetin, mimetiki eritropoetina, bioanalizne metode
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108698 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.07.2019
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Title:Filamentous bacteriophage display of the erythropoietin receptor ectodomain for detection of erythropoietin mimetics
Erythropoietin is a protein whose main function is stimulation of erythropoiesis, which is why recombinant human erythropoietins are commonly misused as performance enhancing drugs by some athletes. It is suspected that numerous novel erythropoietin mimetics structurally unrelated to endogenous erythropoietin are also being used. Most of the modern anti-doping methods fail to detect such substances, as they mostly rely on detection of structurally well known substances or, more inconveniently, on the prolonged control of certain parameters in athlete biological specimens. Because of this it is the aim of this master’s thesis to establish and evaluate a novel universal assay platform which would allow the detection of all erythropoietin mimetics in biological specimens, regardless of their structure. The assay platform is based on recombinant filamentous phage particles displaying the erythropoietin receptor ectodomain (EpoR), which are used as detection probes instead of primary antibodies in two distinct immunoassays (ELISAs). ELISA1, with immobilized EpoR ligands detects phages with unoccupied EpoR whereas ELISA2, with immobilized anti-c-myc antibodies, reflects the proportion of phages with occupied EpoR. The ELISA1/ELISA2 signal ratio suggests the presence (ratio greater than 1) or absence (ratio less than 1) of erythropoietin mimetics in the specimen. Following the preparation of recombinant phage particles and the evaluation of the functionality of the displayed EpoR, we determined the optimal concentrations of phages, antibodies and EpoR ligands for further use in the assay platform. The preliminary results of the assay platform using artificial matrices either spiked with erythropoietin mimetic (“suspicious”) or intact (“clean”), showed that while ELISA1 was sensitive enough to discriminate between clean and suspicious samples, the signals in ELISA2 were unexpectedly high regardless of the analyzed sample. After testing the efficacy of phage depletion using paramagnetic beads we came to the conclusion that the recombinant phages were displaying myc-tag without a functional EpoR. We hypothesized, and later confirmed by western blot, that the reason for this anomaly is the proteolytic cleavage of the displayed fusion protein, which leaves myc-tag intact and removes the functional EpoR. Consequentially, a significant number of phages bind to the immobilized anti-c-myc antibodies in ELISA2 even without displaying EpoR. For further optimization of the platform we recommend relocating the myc-tag to the N-terminus of the displayed EpoR.

Keywords:phage display, doping detection, erythropoietin, erythropoietin mimetics, bioanalytical methods

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