
YouTuberji kot identifikacijski modeli pri mladostnikih
ID Sedmak, Ana (Author), ID Svetina, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z naraščanjem priljubljenosti spletnih omrežij in spletnih zvezdnikov se pojavljajo tudi novi identifikacijski modeli, ki imajo lahko večji vpliv in vlogo na mladostnike kot tradicionalni identifikacijski modeli (npr. starši). Eni izmed takšnih so lahko tudi YouTuberji, ki na spletnem omrežju YouTube objavljajo videoposnetke in predstavljajo največjo bazo ustvarjalcev. Ker lahko vsakdo postane YouTuber, se je s tem povečalo tudi število videoposnetkov z neprimernimi vsebinami, ki lahko vplivajo na vedenje mladostnikov. Ta vpliv in identifikacija mladostnikov z YouTuberji pa nista dobro raziskana. Zato sem v eni izmed prvih raziskav na to temo raziskala aktivnost slovenskih mladostnikov na spletu ter področja in značilnosti njihove identifikacije z njimi. Zanimale so me tudi razlike v spolu in starosti. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 140 srednješolcev in 57 osnovnošolcev, starih od 11 do 20 let. Najprej so rešili vprašalnik o spletnih aktivnostih (npr. gledanje videoposnetkov), ki sem ga oblikovala na podlagi predhodnih raziskav, potem pa so se lahko udeležili diskusije o YouTuberjih v fokusnih skupinah, v katerih sem predvajala tudi izbrani videoposnetek. Rezultati kažejo, da YouTuberji lahko predstavljajo identifikacijske modele mladostnikom, ni pa to značilno za vse mladostnike. Identifikacija z njimi je značilnejša za dekleta, ki se ob gledanju videoposnetkov pogosto sprašujejo o sebi, svojem življenju, odnosih in prihodnosti ter mlajše mladostnike in mladostnike, ki pogosteje ponavljajo vedenje za YouTuberji. Večina mladostnikov pa YouTuberje spremlja za zabavo in pridobivanje različnih veščin (npr. učenje jezikov). Zbrani podatki so pomembni za starše in vse, ki delajo z mladostniki, saj lahko ti zmanjšajo in povečajo ponavljanje določenih vedenj. Nekatera vedenja, ki jih ponavljajo mladostniki za YouTuberji, so namreč nevarna (npr. hranjenje z detergentom za perilo) in se lahko zaradi njih resno poškodujejo ali umrejo. Starši so zato pomembni, ker lahko postavljanje pravil o uporabi YouTuba, pogovor z mladostniki o tej in skupno gledanje videoposnetkov zmanjša tovrstna vedenja.

Keywords:socialno učenje, identifikacija, vzorniki, spletna družbena omrežja, YouTube
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108682 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:YouTubers as identification models for adolescents
With the growing popularity of online networks and online celebrities, new identification models also appear. They can have a bigger effect and role on adolescents than traditional identification models (e.g. parents). One of those can also be YouTubers, who are uploading videos on online network YouTube. They present the biggest base of creators and because everyone can be one, number of inappropriate videos increased. That can affect adolescents’ behaviour. Nonetheless, the effect and the identification with YouTubers weren’t researched well. For that reason, I made one of the first researches on this topic and researched the online activity of Slovenian adolescents along with the categories and the characteristics of their identification with YouTubers. I was also interested in gender and age differences. 140 secondary school students and 57 primary school students aged 11 to 20 have participated in this research. Firstly, they solved the questionnaire about online activity (e. g. watching videos), which I based on previous researches. Then, they could take part in a discussion about YouTubers in focus groups, in which I also showed a YouTube video of my choice. Findings suggest that YouTubers can be identification models for adolescents, however, that was not true for all participants. The identification is stronger with girls, who are thinking about themselves, their lives, relationships and future while watching videos. That’s also true for younger adolescents, who are imitating YouTubers’ behaviour more often than others. Contrarily, the majority of adolescents follows YouTubers for fun and learning (e. g. languages). All these findings are important for parents and all who work with adolescents, because they can decrease or increase certain repeated behaviours. Some of them can be harmful (e. g. eating tide pods) and end in severe injuries or death. For that reason, parents should set up rules about YouTube use, talk to adolescents about it and watch videos with them. That could decrease those acts.

Keywords:social learning, identification, role models, online social networks, YouTube

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