
Avtomatsko vijačenje s sodelujočim robotom
ID VIDMAR, PRIMOŽ (Author), ID Mihelj, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem svetu se področje robotike in avtomatizacije zelo hitro razvija. Včasih so bili roboti in njihovo delovno območje varnostno ograjeni in človekova prisotnost ni bila priporočljiva. Sedaj srečamo vse več sodelujočih robotov. To pomeni, da so varnostno napredni in pripravljeni za delo s človekom. S tem se je izboljšala hitrost in učinkovitost dela, saj določene stvari človek naredi hitreje. V diplomskem delu smo se srečali s sodelujočim robotom Fanuc CR-7iA. Glede na to, da je ta narejen za delo s človekom ali delo brez njega, smo v naši aplikaciji poskušali prikazati sodelovanje robota in človeka. Odločili smo se za aplikacijo varnega avtomatskega vijačenja z vijačnikom Kolver. V diplomskem delu smo opisali robotsko celico in njegovo strojno opremo. Na kratko smo predstavili programsko opremo posameznega krmilnika. Razložili smo delovanje varnostnega sistema na vijačniku, ki smo ga dimenzionirali sami, in vse ostale operacije, ki so potrebne za aplikacijo. Na koncu smo vključili in razložili delo robota in človeka.

Keywords:sodelujoči roboti, Fanuc CR-7iA, varnostni sistem, vijačenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108681 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2019
VIDMAR, PRIMOŽ, 2019, Avtomatsko vijačenje s sodelujočim robotom [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Automatic screwing with a collaborative robot
Robotics and automation are evolving very fast these days. In the past robots with their working space had to be seperated from human with safety elements like safety fence and human presence was not allowed. Nowadays we can see more and more collaborative robots. This means that they have advanced safety and are ready to work with humans. This has greatly improved the speed and efficiency of work, since certain things make people faster. In this work we have met with the collaborative robot Fanuc CR-7iA. This robot is designed to work with humans as well as witohout them. In our application, we tried to show the cooperation of robots and humans. We decided to make safe screwdriving application with Kolver automatic screwdriver. In diploma thesis we described robot cell and its hardware. We briefly presented the software of each controller. We explained the operation of the safety system on the screwdriver, which we have constructed ourselves, and all other operations, which are necessary for the applicaton. Finally, we included and explained operations of a robot and a human.

Keywords:collaborative robots, Fanuc CR-7iA, safety system, screwdriving

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