For the purposes of my graduation thesis, I delved into the style of photography, which is best described as first-person documentary or gonzo documentarism. The theoretical part of the thesis imitates this style of documentaristic approach and is also written in a personal narrative perspective. The main issue of the thesis is the question of objectivity of the communicated, attitude towards photography. It also broadly examines generation "Y" and the Kuleshov effect.
The Practical application of this thesis is a photographic book which impresses upon the viewer a darker side of the life of young people. Hope, irony, intimacy, dreams, effort, attitudes towards life, disappointment and growing up are the key themes of the photographic book.
The design of the Book is set so that the book is bloated and deliberately (over)burdensome for the reader/viewer, with rare highlighted photographic elements among a huge amount of content. The Artistic work is intended to act as a "great book of (great) expectations and subsequent disappointments".