
Učinki funkcionalne električne stimulacije na funkcijo zgornjega uda pri pacientih z okvaro hrbtenjače : diplomsko delo
ID Lavrenčič, Sara (Author), ID Puh, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Izguba funkcije zgornjega uda pri pacientih z okvaro hrbtenjače izrazito poslabša njihovo kakovost življenja. Ključna za uspešno rehabilitacijo je intenzivna terapevtska vadba, s ciljem izboljšanja nadzora uporabe zgornjega uda in opravljanja vsakodnevnih dejavnosti. Za stimulacijo okvarjenih mišic roke in zgornjega uda lahko uporabimo tudi funkcionalno električno stimulacijo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil pregledati raziskave o učinkih FES na funkcijo zgornjega uda pri pacientih z okvaro hrbtenjače. Metode dela: Izvedli smo pregled literature. Iskanje znanstveno-raziskovalnih člankov je potekalo po določenih merilih za vključitev in izključitev v podatkovnih zbirkah PEDro in PubMed. Rezultati: Na podlagi pregleda šestih raziskav v katerih so ocenjevali učinke FES od tri do 12 tednov smo ugotovili veliko nasprotujočih si mnenj. Statistično pomembno izboljšanje se je pojavilo le pri posameznih testih. Pri testih okvare zgornjega uda ni prišlo do statistično pomembne razlike med skupinama. Pri testih dejavnosti je prišlo do statistično pomembne razlike med skupinama pri meritvi funkcionalne neodvisnosti (ena od dveh raziskav), pri meritvi funkcionalne neodvisnosti po poškodbi hrbtenjače (ena od treh raziskav), pri testu funkcije roke (ena raziskava) ter pri testih cilinder in kartica (komponenti testa funkcije roke) (ena raziskava). Zaključek: FES lahko pripomore k izboljšanju dejavnosti zgornjega uda pri osebah z nepopolno okvaro hrbtenjače v akutni ali subakutni fazi oziroma pri osebah s popolno ali nepopolno okvaro hrbtenjače v kronični fazi.

Keywords:okvara hrbtenjače, funkcija zgornjega uda, funkcija roke, FES, električna stimulacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108658 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5653355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of functional electrical stimulation on function of upper limb of patients with spinal cord injury : diploma work
Introduction: Loss of upper limb function in patients with spinal cord injury greatly impairs their quality of life. The key to successful rehabilitation is intensive therapeutic exercise, with the aim of improving the control of the use of the upper limb and performing daily activities. Functional electrical stimulation can also be used to stimulate defective muscles of the arm. Purpose: The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was to review the existing research about efficiency of FES on upper limb function in patients with spinal cord injury. Methods: We conducted a literature review. The search for scientific research articles was conducted according to certain criteria for inclusion and exclusion in the PEDro and PubMed databases. Results: In the review of six studies evaluating the effects of FES from three to 12 weeks, we found many contradictory opinions. A statistically significant improvement occurred only in individual tests. In tests of body function and structure there was no statistically significant difference between the groups. In the activity tests there was statistically significant difference between the groups in functional independence measure (one of two studies), in the spinal cord independence measure (one of three studies), in Jebsen hand function test (one study) and in components of Toronto rehabilitation institute hand function test, cylinder and card (one study). Conclusion: FES can help to improve upper limb function in subjects with incomplete spinal cord injury in the acute or subacute phase, or in subjects with complete or incomplete spinal cord injury in chronic phase.

Keywords:spinal cord injury, upper limb function, hand function, FES, electrical stimulation

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