
Bioremediacija okolja onesnaženega s policikličnimi aromatskimi ogljikovodiki in težkimi kovinami.
ID Furlan, Manca (Author), ID Humar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zadnje čase poteka vse več raziskav na področju bioremediacije okolja onesnaženega s policikličnimi aromatski ogljikovodiki (PAH) in težkimi kovinami. Postopke bioremediacije izvajamo z bakterijami in glivami. Pri razgradnji različnih vrst policikličnih aromatskih ogljikovodikov in težkih kovin lahko sodelujejo številne vrste mikroorganizmov bodisi z adsorpcijo, delno ali celovito razgradnjo onesnaževal. Bioremediacija je učinkovita, ekonomična in enostavna metoda čiščenja okolja, onesnaženega s PAH. Uspešnost bioremediacije zavisi od številnih dejavnikov, kot so zastopanost in količina onesnaževal ter interakcije med njimi, prilagojenost in raznolikost mikrobnih populacij ter okoljski dejavniki. Med slednjimi prevladuje vpliv pH, temperature, organskih kislin nizke molekularne mase in huminskih kislin. Obstajajo različni mehanizmi bioremediacije PAH in težkih kovin. Na mehanizme vplivajo interakcije med težkimi kovinami, PAH in njihovimi metaboliti. Bakterije in glive so razvile različne mehanizme odpornosti na težke kovine, ki so lahko za njih toksične in delujejo zaviralno na bioremediacijo. PAH in njihovi presnovki lahko spodbujajo ali inhibirajo aktivnost mikroorganizmov in tako vplivajo na njihovo sposobnost absorpcije in razgradnje. Prisotnost obeh vrst onesnaževal hkrati pa lahko deluje sinergistično ali antagonistično glede na toksičnost na mikroorganizme.

Keywords:bioremediacija, policiklični aromatski ogljikovodiki, težke kovine, mikroorganizmi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Furlan]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108653 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9256569 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Bioremediation of combined pollution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals
Lately there has been more and more research in the field of bioremediation of environments contaminated with polycyclic aromatic carbons (PAHs) and heavy metals. Bioremediation is done with the help of bacteria and fungi. Various species of microorganisms can aid in degradation of PAHs and heavy metals, either by adsorption, partial or complete degradation of the pollutants. Biodegradation is an efficient, economic, and facile method for the treatment of polluted environment. It's success depends on many factors such as pH, temperature, low molecular weight organic acids and humic acids. There are numerous bioremediation mechanisms of PAH and heavy metals with bacteria and fungi, that are affected by interaction between both types of pollutants. Microorganisms have acquired different resistance mechanisms for coping with toxic effects of heavy metals, that can otherwise be detrimenal to bioremediation. PAH and their metabolites can either promote or inhibit microorganism's activity and affect their ability of absorption and degradation of pollutants. The combined effects of PAHs and heavy metals on bacteria and fungi can be synergistic or antagonistic in regard to their toxicity.

Keywords:bioremediation, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, microorganisms

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