
Kult Franceta Prešerna v socialistični Jugoslaviji na primeru Kranja
ID Smiljanić, Ivan (Author), ID Repe, Božo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mikša, Peter (Comentor)

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Pričujoče magistrsko delo se ukvarja s statusom pesnika dr. Franceta Prešerna v obdobju med letoma 1945 in 1991 v socialistični Jugoslaviji, s čimer v širšem smislu obravnava politično zgodovino kulturnega vprašanja. Medtem ko so dosedanje raziskave že podrobno opredelile vlogo, ki jo je imel naziv nacionalnega pesnika za nacionalizme v 19. stoletju, je bil obstoj tega naziva po prvi in zlasti drugi svetovni vojni v stroki precej bolj zanemarjen. Enako velja za raziskave vloge klasičnih pesnikov v kontekstu socialističnih ureditev. Na Prešernovem primeru je prikazan razvoj njegovega kultnega statusa v jugoslovanskem kontekstu, razdeljen na štiri faze. V obdobju med koncem druge svetovne vojne in letom 1952 je bil Prešeren percipiran kot herojski predhodnik partizanskega gibanja ter protokomunistični revolucionar, ki si ga je država povsem apropriirala in ga spremenila v nedotakljivo ikono ter simbol svobodoljubnih teženj nove države. V drugi fazi med letoma 1953 in 1964 je pesnikov motivacijski potencial nekoliko zbledel, tako da je pesnik igral vlogo vodnika in duhovne opore v turbulentnih časih. V tretji fazi, zamejeni z letnicama 1965 in 1980, je bila Prešernova vloga v javnosti že precej v ozadju, zato pa je stroka dosegla dokončen preobrat pri vrnitvi fokusa na Prešernove pesmi in ne več na njegovo biografijo, ki je bila osrednji predmet dotakratnih raziskav. Zadnja faza, ki pokriva preostalo obdobje do razpada države, označuje dokončen razpad s strani države ustvarjene in propagirane pesnikove podobe, namesto tega pa se je pesnik opomenjal v stalno novih kontekstih, zaradi česar je kot nacionalna ikona lahko (ponovno) nastopil tudi v novi, samostojni državi. Vse faze razvoja so raziskane tudi na lokalnem primeru Kranja, enega od krajev, v katerih je Prešernov kult doživel največji razmah. Podrobneje so raziskani potek ureditve Prešernovega muzeja in spominskega parka, postavljanje njegovih spomenikov, imenovanje ustanov in številni drugi, tudi nerealizirani, projekti.

Keywords:dr. France Prešeren, nacionalni pesnik, kult osebnosti, Kranj, Jugoslavija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108650 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2019
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Title:The cult of France Prešeren in socialist Yugoslavia: case study Kranj
This master's thesis discusses the status of poet dr. France Prešeren in the period between 1945 and 1991 in socialist Yugoslavia; therefore, it discusses, in broader sense, a political history of a cultural problem. While existing research has already defined the function of the national poet for the 19th-century nationalisms, the existence of this title in the period after the First and particularly the Second World War remained quite neglected. The same thing can be said about the research made on the role of classical poets in the contexts of socialist regimes. The case of Prešeren is used to demonstrate his cult-like status in the Yugoslav context and is divided into four phases. In the period from the end of the Second World War to the year 1952, Prešeren was perceived as a heroic forefather of the partisan movement and as a proto-communist revolutionary. The state appropriated his image and changed him into an sacrosanct icon and a symbol of the new state's freedom-loving tendencies. During the second phase between 1953 and 1964 the poet's motivational potential somewhat faded, so he was given the part of a guide and a spiritual support during the turbulent times. By the time of the third phase, which lasted between 1965 and 1980, Prešeren's role in public life has been pushed further into background. On the other hand, however, the literary profession has achieved a turning point: the focus was brought from Prešeren's biography, which had been the main subject of research to date, back to his poems. The final phase covers the remaining period of the state's existence and marks the collapse of the poet's image as formed and propagated by the state. Instead of this, the deeper meaning of the poet was constantly brought up in new contexts, which is why he could enter the new, independent state as a national icon – yet again. All of these phases are also examined on the local case study of Kranj, one of the places where the Prešeren cult was best developed. The conduct of opening the Prešeren museum and memorial park, dedication of his monuments, the naming of the institutions, and many other projects, including unfinished ones, are all explored in detail.

Keywords:dr. France Prešeren, national poet, cult of personality, Kranj, Yugoslavia

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