Much like electrical circuits, synthetic biological logic circuits have the ability to sense inputs, process them and form celullar responses based on inputs. So far, most logic circuits are based on regulating transcription, where signal transduction is more time consuming than signal transduction through protein-protein interactions. For treating certain illnesses like diabetes, transcription regulation is too slow, as signals are fully developed after a few hours. This Bachelor thesis presents a synthetical fast responsive signalling pathway, which is highly modular and thus very easily transferable between different applications. We have tranfected HEK293T cells with constructs based on coiled coils and proteolysis for logical processing of signals. The system is inducible with rapamycin and abscisic acid but it can be modified to cell reaction to other exogenous signals like ultrasound and light or to cellular endogenous signals. We have demonstrated the Boolean function AND, through which the desired signal was obtained 10 minutes after stimulating cells only with both input signals. By adjusting the cleavage sites, the system is able to execute other Boolean functions as well, thus ensuring the system an even greater possibility of interdisciplinary use.