
Povezanost testov odrivne moči, hitrosti in agilnosti s tekmovalno uspešnostjo mladih teniških igralcev : magistrsko delo
ID Klevže, Matevž (Author), ID Filipčič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dolenec, Aleš (Comentor)

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Na vzorcu 195 mladih teniških igralcev, starih med 12 in 16 let, smo preverjali stopnjo povezanosti med izbranimi testi agilnosti, hitrosti in testi eksplozivne moči ter stopnjo povezanosti med izbranimi gibalnimi testi agilnosti in hitrosti s tekmovalno uspešnostjo mladih teniških igralcev, ki jo je predstavljalo število osvojenih točk na jakostni lestvici TZS. Preverili smo tudi, ali med spoloma obstajajo statistično značilne razlike pri rezultatih testov agilnosti in hitrosti. Povezanost med gibalnimi testi agilnosti, hitrosti, eksplozivne moči in tekmovalno uspešnostjo smo preverjali s Spearmonovim korelacijskim koeficientom, medtem ko smo primerjavo med spoloma v testih agilnostih in hitrosti preverjali s T-testom za neodvisne vzorce. S primerjavo rezultatov testov agilnosti in hitrosti smo najprej ugotovili statistično značilne razlike med spoloma. Fantje so bili pri testih hitrosti pričakovano boljši za približno 3 %, pri testih agilnosti za približno 6 %. Pri ugotavljanju povezanosti med rezultati skoka iz polčepa in testi hitrosti smo ugotovili srednje in visoke, a statistično značilne povezave pri fantih, ter nizke in srednje pri dekletih. Pri ugotavljanju povezav med rezultati meritve skoka z nasprotnim gibanjem z rezultati testov agilnosti smo pri fantih ugotovili nizke in srednje statistično značilne povezave, medtem ko smo pri dekletih statistično značilne in srednje povezave ugotovili le pri višini skoka z nasprotnim gibanjem in gibalnim testom agilnosti 9x6 metrov. Ko smo primerjali rezultate testov hitrosti s tekmovalno uspešnostjo mladih teniških igralcev, nismo uspeli dokazati statistično značilnih povezav. Smo pa pri primerjavi rezultatov testov agilnosti s tekmovalno uspešnostjo pri fantih ugotovili srednje, pri dekletih pa nizke a statistično značilne povezave.

Keywords:tenis, tekmovalna uspešnost, eksplozivna moč, agilnost, hitrost, mladi teniški igralci, povezanost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108608 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5570225 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Link between tests of explosive power, speed and agility with competitve successfulness of young tennis players
On the pattern of 195 young tennis players between age 12 and 16, we were testing the level of connectivity between chosen tests of agility, speed and explosive power on the one side, and the level of connectivity between chosen movement tests of agility and speed on the other side, all with connection to competitive successfulness of young tennis players, which was represented by the number of points won by those 195 young tennis players on TZS competitive scale. We also tested if there were any statistically typical differences between both genders with the results of agility and speed tests. Connectivity between chosen tests of agility, speed and explosive power and competitive successfulness was tested with Spearman correlation coefficient, meanwhile the gender comparison with tests of agility and speed was tested with T-test for independent samples. With comparison of results between tests of agility and speed we found statistically typical differences between the genders. Tests of speed showed that boys are better (as expected) for around 3%, on the other hand tests of agility showed us that boys are better for 6%. Identification of connectivity between results of squat jump and speed tests, showed us moderate and high, but statistically typical connectivity with boys and low and moderate with girls. Identification of connectivity between results of counter movement jump tests and agility tests, showed us low and moderate statistically typical connectivity with boys, meanwhile with girls, we found statistically typical connections only in the jump height with counter movement jump and agility test of 9x6 meters. When we compared speed tests with competitive successfulness of young tennis players, we could not prove statistically typical connectivity. On the other hand, the comparison of results between agility tests and competitive successfulness, we detected medium, but statistically typical connectivity with boys and low, but statistically typical connectivity with girls.

Keywords:tennis, competitive successfulness, explosive power, agility, speed, juniors

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