
Telesna samopodoba in sociokulturni pritisk pri plesalkah
ID Brčvak, Rebeka (Author), ID Masten, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Motena stališča do hranjenja, težave s telesno samopodobo in večji zaznani sociokulturni pritisk glede telesne podobe se pri plesalkah pogosto pojavljajo. V predhodnih raziskavah so avtorji ugotovili, da so plesalke precej pogosto preobremenjene s svojo telesno težo, uporabljajo tvegane metode za nadzor telesne teže, imajo negativno telesno samopodobo in poročajo o večjem zaznanem sociokulturnem pritisku glede telesne podobe. Zanimalo me je, kako pogosto se pri plesalkah pojavlja tveganje za motnje hranjenja, kakšna je njihova telesna samopodoba ter kakšno stopnjo sociokulturnega pritiska in socialne opore glede telesne podobe zaznavajo. Na vzorcu plesalk sem preučevala, kako se med seboj povezujejo stališča do hranjenja, telesna samopodoba in zaznani sociokulturni pritisk, ob tem pa plesalke primerjala z neplesalkami. Upoštevala sem tudi nekatere s plesom povezane spremenljivke, kot sta stopnja plesne udeleženosti in vrsta plesa. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 451 udeleženk, od tega 51,2 % plesalk in 49,8 % posameznic, ki se nikoli niso ukvarjale s plesom. Udeleženke so izpolnile Test stališč do hranjenja EAT-26, Lestvico telesne samopodobe BISS in Lestvico zaznanega sociokulturnega pritiska PSPS. Ugotovila sem, da imajo plesalke bolj estetskih plesov pomembno večje tveganje za motnje hranjenja v primerjavi s plesalkami manj estetskih plesov in neplesalkami. Večje tveganje za motnje hranjenja je imelo 15,4 % plesalk bolj estetskih plesov in 7,2 % plesalk manj estetskih plesov. Poleg tega so rezultati moje raziskave pokazali, da imajo največje tveganje za tovrstne motnje plesalke, ki so se v preteklosti s plesom ukvarjale profesionalno, trenutno pa se samo rekreativno. Plesalke različnih vrst plesa se med seboj pomembno razlikujejo v zaznanem sociokulturnem pritisku ter socialni opori s strani trenerja in družine. Razlik v telesni samopodobi plesalk različnih vrst plesa in neplesalk nisem ugotovila. Ugotovitve raziskave so pomembne tako za strokovnjake, ki se srečujejo s plesalkami, kot tudi za same plesalke, njihove starše in trenerje.

Keywords:plesalke, motnje hranjenja, telesna samopodoba, sociokulturni pritisk, socialna opora
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.07.2019
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Title:Body image and sociocultural pressure in dancers
Disordered eating attitudes, body image concerns and a higher perceived sociocultural pressure about physical appearance are common among dancers. In previous studies, authors have found dancers to be often preoccupied with their weight, engage in high-risk weight control behaviours, have negative body image and report higher perceived sociocultural pressure about physical appearance. In my master´s thesis, my interests focused on the prevalence of risk for eating disorders among dancers, their body image and the level of perceived sociocultural pressure and perceived social support regarding their body image. My study was conducted on a sample of dancers in order to determine the relationship between the dancers' eating attitudes, body image, perceived sociocultural pressure, and to compare the findings to those of non-dancers. I took into account some dance-related variables, such as the level of dance participation and type of dance. The study included a total of 451 female participants of whom 51,2 % were dancers and 49,8 % were females who have never engaged in dance training. Participants completed the Eating Attitudes Test EAT-26, the Body Image States Scale BISS and Perceived Sociocultural Pressure Scale PSPS. It was found that dancers participating in more aesthetic types of dance have a significant higher risk for developing eating disorders, compared to dancers participating in less aesthetic types of dance, as well as to non-dancers. The results show that 15,4 % of aesthetic dancers and 7,2 % less aesthetic dancers have a higher risk of developing eating disorders. Furthermore, results demonstrate that recreational dancers that have engaged in professional dance in the past have the highest risk of developing eating disorders. Dancers participating in various types of dance differ significantly in perceived sociocultural pressure and the social support given by their coach and family. I found no differences in body image between dancers engaging in various types of dance and levels of dance participation. Findings of this study are important for both professionals working with dancers as well as for the dancers themselves, their parents and coaches.

Keywords:dancers, eating disorders, body image, sociocultural pressure, social support

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