
Viški in zavržki hrane pri prehranski oskrbi bolnikov v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Ljubljana : magistrsko delo
ID Confidenti, Blaž (Author), ID Jevšnik Podlesnik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ferfila, Nevenka (Comentor)

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Uvod: Biološki odpadki predstavljajo velik okoljski problem in zaradi vsebnosti odpadne hrane tudi socialno vprašanje. V zadnjih letih se je močno povečalo zanimanje za spremljanje količin in sestavo bioloških odpadkov. Namen tega spremljanja je optimizirati ravnanje z biološkimi odpadki na nacionalni in mednarodni ravni ter na podlagi količin in sestave poiskati načine za preprečevanje in zmanjševanje nastajanja predvsem odpadne hrane. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je bil pridobiti podatke o količinah odpadne hrane, ki nastajajo pri prehranski oskrbi bolnikov v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Ljubljana in oceniti stroške teh odpadkov. Ločeno smo spremljali ostanke hrane, ki nastajajo v centralni kuhinji (viški hrane), ter količine zavržene hrane, ki so se vračale s kliničnih oddelkov. Metoda dela: V obdobju sedmih zaporednih dni smo z metodo tehtanja merili količine nerazdeljene hrane, količine vrnjenega nedotaknjenega kruha in količine dehidrirane zavržene hrane. Količine zavržene hrane smo primerjali s količinami pripravljene in postrežene hrane. Rezultati: V opazovanem obdobju so v bolnišnici zavrgli eno tretjino pripravljene hrane v razponu od 19 do 54 %. Na skupno količino odpadne hrane, ki so jo pripravili v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Ljubljana, je v največji meri, to je z 29,8 %, vplivala zavržena servirana hrana. Znotraj te količine je bilo 7,1 % povsem nedotaknjene hrane. V manjši meri je na skupno količino odpadne hrane z 4,8 % vplivala količina nerazdeljene hrane. S kliničnih oddelkov se je v tem obdobju vrnilo 23 % serviranega kruha (od 14 do 30 %). Strošek zavržene hrane je v opazovanem obdobju predstavljal 32,6 % vrednosti živil, ki so jih v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Ljubljana porabili za pripravo hrane. Razprava in zaključek: Primerjava podatkov o količini odpadne hrane kaže, da v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Ljubljana v primerjavi z bolnišnicami po Evropi zavržejo manjšo količino teh odpadkov. Količine odpadne hrane je zaradi različnih dejavnikov, ki se pojavljajo v bolnišničnem sistemu, težko zmanjševati. S pomočjo dobljenih rezultatov in predlaganih ukrepov, ki so bili predstavljeni v tuji literaturi, v zaključku dela predstavljamo kratkoročne in dolgoročne ukrepe, s katerimi bi lahko v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Ljubljana količino odpadne hrane zmanjšali za 42 %.

Keywords:bolnišnica, viški hrane, zavržki hrane, metoda tehtanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108579 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5652587 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Exess food and food waste in the dietary care of patients in the University medical center Ljubljana : master thesis
Introduction: Biological wastes represent a major environmental problem and, due to the content of food waste, it is also a social issue. In recent years, interest in monitoring quantities and the composition of biological waste has increased dramatically. The purpose of this monitoring is to optimize the handling of biological waste at domestic and international levels, as well as finding ways to prevent and reduce the emergence of food waste, on the basis of quantities and composition. Purpose: The purpose of the master's thesis is to obtain data on the amount of waste food produced in the dietary care of patients in the University Medical Center Ljubljana and to estimate the costs of this waste. We monitored separately the food remains that are produced in the central kitchen (excess food) and the amount of discarded food that returned from wards. Method: For the period of seven consecutive days, the weighing method was used to determine the amount of unserved food, the amount of returned uneaten bread and the amount of dehydrated discarded food. We compared the amount of disposed food with the quantities of prepared and served food. Results: In the observed period, one third of the prepared food in the hospital was discarded, ranging from 19 to 54%. The total amount of waste food prepared by the University Medical Center Ljubljana was mostly affected by discarded serviced food, by 29.8%. Within that amount, 7.1% of food was completely intact. To a lesser extent, the total amount of waste food was influenced by the amount of food that was not distributed, by 4.8%. 23% of served bread was returned from wards during this period (range 14 to 30%). In the analysed period in University Medical Center Ljubljana, the cost of disposed food represented 32.6% of the value of food used for meal preparation. Discussion and conclusion: The comparison of data on the amount of waste food indicates that University Medical Center Ljubljana, in comparison with the hospitals across Europe, discards a smaller amount of this waste. The amount of waste food is difficult to reduce due to various factors that occur in the hospital system. Through the results obtained and the proposed measures presented in international literature, we present short-term and long-term measures that could reduce the amount of waste in University Medical Center Ljubljana by 42%.

Keywords:hospital, excess food, food waste, weighing method

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