
Veter in njegov pomen za kmetijstvo
ID Petrič, Zala (Author), ID Črepinšek, Zalika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kmetijstvo je dejavnost, ki se večinoma odvija na prostem in je odvisna od podnebnih dejavnikov, med njimi tudi vetra. Slovenija je glede na ostalo Evropo razmeroma slabo prevetrena. V hladni polovici leta je pri nas najbolj problematična burja na Primorskem. Ob velikih hitrostih vetra je lahko v kmetijstvu veliko škode na infrastrukturi (zgradbe, rastlinjaki) in na kmetijskih rastlinah, škode pa so največje pri poljščinah, zelenjadnicah in žitih. V trajnih nasadih lahko zaradi vetra nastane posredna škoda, saj je za sanacijo poškodovanih rastlin potrebnih več let. Močan veter v kombinaciji z neustreznimi agrotehničnimi ukrepi povzroča vetrno erozijo, to je odnašanje rodovitne prsti. Vetrna erozija ogroža velik del Evrope, pri nas pa predstavlja problem v JZ Sloveniji, najbolj v Vipavski dolini zaradi burje. Z ustreznimi ukrepi lahko škodo zaradi vetra zmanjšamo. Z vetrozaščitnimi pasovi preprečujemo mehanske poškodbe rastlin, zmanjšujemo erozijo in izboljšamo mikroklimo nasadov. Veter vpliva tudi na širjenje rastlinskih bolezni in škodljivcev, saj je kar 80 % bolezni prenesenih na ta način, še posebej glivičnih okužb. Na hitrost izhlapevanja prav tako vpliva veter, ki s tem pospešuje sušo. Veter je pri mnogih kmetijskih rastlinah prenašalec cvetnega prahu, posledica prenosa je tudi pojav alergijskih reakcij pri ljudeh. Ob nanašanju fitofarmacevtskih sredstev je potrebno upoštevati hitrost in smer vetra, da ne pride do zanašanja na sosednje parcele. Pomemben je še ohladitveni učinek vetra, saj lahko kombinacija nizkih temperatur in močnega vetra pri delavcih na prostem povzroča velike toplotne izgube. Veter se v kmetijstvu lahko izkorišča tudi kot obnovljivi vir energije, saj so raziskave vpliva vetrnih turbin na kmetijske rastline pokazale, da prevladujejo pozitivni vplivi.

Keywords:veter, kmetijstvo, škoda, erozija, izhlapevanje, vetrozaščitni pasovi, ohladitveni učinek
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[Z. Petrič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108578 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9247353 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Wind and its importance for agriculture
Agriculture is an activity that is mostly outdoor and depends on climate factors, including wind. Considering the rest of Europe, Slovenia is relatively poorly winded, the most problematic is the bora wind in the region of Primorska in the cold half of the year. At high wind speeds, agriculture can have a lot of damage to infrastructure (buildings, greenhouses) and on agricultural plants, and the damage is greatest in crops, vegetables and cereals. In permanent crops, the indirect damage can be caused by wind, as it takes several years for the rehabilitation of damaged plants. Strong wind, in combination with inadequate agro-technical measures, causes wind erosion, that is, the erosion of fertile soil. Wind erosion threatens a large part of Europe, it is a problem in Slovenia, most in the Vipava valley because of the bora wind. By taking appropriate measures, wind damage can be reduced. With windbreaks we prevent mechanical damage to plants, reduce erosion and improve the microclimate of plantations. The wind also affects the spread of plant diseases and pests, as about 80 % of the diseases are transmitted this way, especially fungal infections. The evaporation rate is also affected by the wind, which accelerates drought. The wind is a transmitter of pollen in many agricultural plants, and the consequence of the transmission is the occurrence of human allergic reactions. When applying plant protection products, it is necessary to take into account the speed and direction of the wind, so that no transmission to the neighbouring plots occurs. The wind chill effect is also important, as the combination of low temperatures and strong winds can cause huge heat losses in outdoor workers. The wind can also be used in agriculture as a renewable source of energy, as the impact of wind turbines on agricultural plants has shown that positive effects prevail.

Keywords:wind, agriculture, damage, erosion, evaporation, windbreaks, wind chill effect

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