
Vpliv paše na zbitost tal in rast rastlin
ID Gomol, Mojca (Author), ID Zupan, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zbitost tal in rast rastlin sta pomembna dejavnika v kmetijstvu. V diplomskem delu smo zbrali slovenske in tuje informacije o paši in vplivu le-te na zbitost tal in sestavno rušo tal. Kmetovalci se soočajo s škodo zaradi izgub v pridelavi travniške krme, da bi se izgubam izognili se morajo kmetje izobraziti o izbiri terena, kjer ţelijo postaviti pašnik, o pravilni postavitvi pašnika, nakupu ustrezne mehanizacije in strojev, ter optimalni obteţbi z ţivino, ki jim bojo omogočali kmetovanje brez povzročanja škode in posledično prinesli čim večji dobiček. Lastnosti tal so za kmetovanje zelo pomembni, saj dobra tla omogočajo boljšo rast in obnovo talne ruše. Ugotovili smo, da paša ţivali v večini primerov pozitivno vpliva na zbitost tal, saj ţivali gnojijo pašnike, premeščajo hranila z iztrebljanjem in omogočajo prezračenost zemlje. Do negativnih učinkov pride, ko so pašniki preobremenjeni in neprimerno pripravljeni. Travna ruša je ob pravilni paši bolj intenzivna, vendar pa to ni vedno dobro, saj pogosto pride do zaraščanja, če ţivali pasejo v zgodnjih spomladanskih mesecih, se pogosto zgodi, da travno rušo popasejo preveč v ţivo, kar povzroči slabšo rast rastlin, saj te rabijo kar nekaj časa, da si opomorejo.

Keywords:paša, zbitost tal, erozija, rast rastlin, travna ruša
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Gomol]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108573 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9247097 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of grazing on compaction and plant growth
Compaction and plant growth are important factors in agriculture. In this diploma work we collected Slovene and foreign information on grazing and its impact on compaction and turfgrass composition. Farmers are faced with damage resulting from the loss in production of grass. In order to avoid such losses farmers need to educate themselves on the selection of terrain, where they wish to place pastures, on correct settings of the pasture, purchase of adequate machinery, and optimal stock density, which will enable farming without causing any damage and consequently bring maximum profit. Characteristics of the soil are very important for farming as good soil enables better growth and renewal of turfgrass. We established that in most cases grazing has a positive impact on compaction, as animals are fertilizing the pastures, move nutrients with defecation and enable aeration of soil. Negative effects occur when the pastures are overburdened and unduly prepared. With correct grazing, turfgrass is more intense, however, this is not always good, as overgrowth is common, if animals are grazing early in the spring They often graze the turfgrass too much, which causes weaker growth of plants as these need quite some time to recover.

Keywords:grazing, soil compaction, soil erosion, plant growth, grass sward

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