
Analiza uvodnega dela pouka športa učiteljev razrednega pouka in športnih pedagogov
ID Kerpan, Pika (Author), ID Štemberger, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5830/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na uvodni del ure športa, ki ga poučujejo učitelji razrednega pouka in športni pedagogi. Ta del ure smo izbrali, ker je bilo v času študija mogoče opaziti odstopanja med praktičnim izvajanjem uvodnega dela učiteljev v šolah in teoretičnimi izhodišči. V teoretičnem delu je kratek uvod, zakaj je uvodni del ure športa pomemben in kdo naj šport poučuje, učitelji razrednega pouka ali športni pedagogi. Predstavili smo gibalni razvoj otroka, podrobno opisali elemente uvodnega dela ure športa, problem nepravilne telesne drže in predstavili dosedanje raziskave na to temo. V empiričnem delu je sodelovalo 30 učiteljev. 15 izmed teh je bilo učiteljev razrednega pouka, 15 pa športnih pedagogov. S pomočjo prej strukturiranega opazovalnega obrazca smo v uvodnem delu ure športa opazovali: sestavne elemente uvodnega dela ure športa, trajanje uvodnega dela ure športa, število razteznih, krepilnih, sprostilnih vaj, ustreznosti njihovega razmerja, število njihovih serij in ponovitev, prisotnost štetja, individualizacije in popravljanja napak učencev, postavitev učencev in vrsto demonstracije, uporabljeno terminologijo pri gimnastičnih vajah, povezanost uvodnega dela z glavnim delom ure športa, izbiro in izvedbo elementarnih iger in izvedbo vaj za preprečevanje negativnih učinkov sedenja na telo. Rezultati so pokazali, da se v določenih točkah pojavljajo razlike med teoretičnimi izhodišči in praktično izvedbo. Med teoretičnimi izhodišči in praktično izvedbo pa ni razlik glede sestavnih delov uvodnega dela ure športa, specialnega ogrevanja, števila razteznih vaj, trajanja splošnega ogrevanja, popravljanja napak učencev, terminologije, izvedbe elementarnih iger, postavitve učencev in zavarovanja nevarnih mest. Med teoretičnimi izhodišči in praktično izvedbo učiteljev razrednega pouka in športnih pedagogov so se pojavile razlike glede števila ponovitev krepilnih vaj, trajanja specialnega in skupnega ogrevanja, postavitve učencev ter povezanosti uvodnega in glavnega dela ure.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108530 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12502345 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the warm-up part of the physical education lesson taught by primary teachers and physical educators
In the master's thesis, we focused on the introductory part of the Physical education lesson that is taught by either primary teachers or PE teachers. This part of the lesson was chosen as some deviation was observed between the theoretical bases presented in literature and its practical implementation during our studies. At the beginning of the theoretical part is a short summary explaining the importance of the introductory part of the Physical education lesson and who (primary teachers or PE teachers) is supposed to teach Physical education. We presented the motor development of children, all consisting elements of the introductory part of the lesson, the problem of incorrect posture and the previous research carried out on the topic. 30 teachers participated in the empirical part of this dissertation. 15 of those were primary teachers and 15 PE teachers. Using an observation form which was prepared in advance we observed: elements of the introductory part of the lesson; duration; the number of stretching, strengthening and relaxing exercises, their number of series and repetition; the presence of counting, individualization and correction of students' mistakes; the layout of students and the type of demonstration used; used terminology; the connection between the introductory part and the main part of the lesson; choice and implementation of elementary games and exercises which counteract the negative effects of sitting on our posture and bodies. The results of this study show that there were some discrepancies between the theoretical bases and practical implementation. There were, however, no differences between theoretical bases and practical implementation concerning the elements of the introductory part of the lesson, specific warm-up, the number of stretching exercises, duration of general warm-up, correction of students' mistakes, terminology, implementation of elementary games and protection from dangerous situations. Additionally, there were differences between the theoretical bases and practical implementation of primary teachers and PE teachers concerning the number of repetitions within strengthening exercises, duration of specific and total warm-up, the layout of students and the connection between the introductory and the main part of the lesson.

Keywords:physical education

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