
Življenjski svet mladih Gambijcev
ID Raj, Nina (Author), ID Poštrak, Milko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrske naloge Življenjski svet mladih Gambijcev je ugotoviti, kateri so pomembni elementi njihovega življenjskega sveta in kakšen vpliv imajo ti elementi na njihov življenjski svet. V socialnem delu je zelo pomembno, da spoznamo svoje sogovornike, da vidimo, katere so tiste stvari in osebe, ki so pomembne v njihovem vsakdanu in ki pomembno vplivajo na njihovo življenje. To lahko storimo le tako, da se poglobimo v njihov življenjski svet in se jim tam v obliki terenskega dela tudi priključimo. Da se lahko kvalitetno lotimo raziskovanja življenjskega sveta, so pomembna tudi znanja iz več družboslovnih disciplin, kot so antropologija, socialno delo, sociologija. V teoretičnem delu sem se najprej posvetila pojmu življenjskega sveta, kjer sem razložila, kako se je pojem razvil, kaj sploh pomeni in kako se življenjski svet odraža pri posamezniku. Sledi poglavje družboslovno raziskovanje življenjskega sveta. V nadaljevanju sem se osredotočila na mlade, ki so bistvo moje magistrske naloge. Poglavje sem povezala s temami, ki imajo pomembno vlogo pri odraščanju mladih in posledično tudi na njihov življenjski svet. Sledi poglavje o Gambiji. V empiričnem delu sem skušala prikazati, kakšen je življenjski svet mladih v Gambiji, kateri dejavniki odraščanja pomembno vplivajo na življenjski svet uporabnikov, kako vpliva kultura na življenjski svet uporabnikov, kakšne so želje in potrebe mladih v Gambiji in kako mladi v Gambiji preživljajo prosti čas. To sem storila tako, da sem analizirala podatke, ki sem jih na terenu dobila od mladih Gambijcev in njihovih učiteljev na šoli Mo beta. Analizirane podatke sem razdelila na raziskovanje, mlade, šolo in kulturo. Ugotovila sem, da na življenjski svet mladih Gambijcev pomembno vplivajo dejavniki odraščanja, kot so revščina, šola in socialna mreža. Med dejavniki odraščanja prav gotovo najbolj vpliva revščina, ki ima med vsemi elementi največjo vlogo v življenjskem svetu mladih Gambijcev. Želje in potrebe mladih v Gambiji so preproste in temeljne, vendar hkrati tudi težko uresničljive. Podobno je tudi s prostim časom mladih v Gambiji, ki jim je sam pojem tuj, saj svoj prosti čas ali čas, preživet izven šole, večinoma preživljajo tako, da pomagajo svojim staršem pri domačih opravili ali tako, da delajo v trgovini. Življenjski svet mladih v Gambiji pa sestavljajo tudi kulturne značilnosti, med katerimi izstopajo religija, spol in razni običaji ter navade.

Keywords:Življenjski svet, mladi, dejavniki odraščanja, prosti čas, kultura, terensko delo, Gambija, antropologija, socialno delo, revščina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108497 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The lifeworld of the young people in Gambia
The aim of the master work The lifeworld of the young people in Gambia is to find out which the important elements of their lifeworld are and the influence of those elements on their lifeworld. At the social work it is very important to get to know your co-speakers and find out which things or persons have an important role in their everyday life and a great influence on their lives. The only possibility to reach that is to make a deep step into their lives and join them – in a form of the field work. To make a quality research of the living world it is also important to have an appropriate knowledge in sociological disciplines, such as anthropology, social work, sociology. In the theoretical part I have dealt with the concept of the lifeworld, development of the item, its meaning and its reflection at the individual. Then the chapter on the sociological research of the lifeworld follows. It is focused on the young people who are the essence of the master work. In that chapter I have joined that with the topics which have a very important role in growing up and consequently on the lifeworld of the young people. The chapter on Gambia follows. In the empirical part I wanted to present what the lifeworld of the young people in Gambia is like, which factors of growing up have an important influence on their living world and what influence the culture has. Furthermore it deals with the desires and needs of the young people and how they spend their free time. I have come to the conclusions by analysing the data obtained by the young people in Gambia and their teachers at the school Mo beta during the field work there. The analysed data I have tabled into the research, the young, the school and the culture. I have come to the conclusion, that the lifeworld of the young people in Gambia is significantly influenced by the factors of growing up, such as poverty, school and social network. Poverty is one of the factors which have the greatest influence on the lives of the young people in Gambia. The wishes and needs of the young people in Gambia are simple and basic but not easily fulfilled. The free time of the young people in Gambia is treated similarly. They are not familiar with the expression because they spend their time after school by helping their parents at housework or by working at the shop. The lifeworld of the young people in Gambia also consists of different cultural characteristics; religion, gender, various habits and customs stand out.

Keywords:The lifeworld, the factors of growing up, free time, culture, field work, anthropology, social work, poverty

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