
Psihološki vidik alopecije kot posledice kemoterapije pri pacientih : diplomsko delo
ID Zagoričnik, Nuša (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Alopecija prizadene kar 65 % pacientov, ki se zdravijo za rakom in predstavlja najpogostejši stranski učinek kemoterapije. Onkološki pacienti med svojim zdravljenjem izkusijo veliko sprememb na svojem telesu. Te spremembe vplivajo na njihov osebni pogled, samopodobo, interakcijo z drugimi in kako jih sprejemajo drugi iz okolice. Videz je pomemben del tega, kako oseba vidi sebe, kdo so kot posameznik in kako želijo, da jih drugi vidijo. Obrazna struktura in lasje sta aspekta, ki vplivata na spoznavanje obraza in dopuščata, da osebo kategoriziramo kot moškega ali žensko, mlajšo ali starejšo osebo ali zdravo oziroma bolno osebo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je, s pregledom literature, raziskati in predstaviti vpliv alopecije, ki je posledica kemoterapije. Opisati in predstaviti alopecijo, predstaviti psihološki vpliv izpadanja las na samopodobo, predstaviti doživljanja oseb z alopecijo kot posledico kemoterapije, ugotoviti razlike pri doživljanju alopecije med spoloma. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo, ki zajema pregled tuje literature. Pregled strokovne literature je bil opravljen v obdobju od avgusta 2018 do novembra 2018. Za pregled literature v angleškem jeziku smo uporabili baze bibliografskih zapisov ScienceDirect, CINAHL, Medline z uporabo ključnih besed in besednih zvez. Rezultati: V rezultatih smo potrdili, da se oseba ne spremeni samo vizualno, spremeni se tudi dojemanje samega sebe, kdo je kot oseba in kako želi, da jo vidijo drugi. Pojavi se depresija, anksioznost, zaprtost vase in socialna izolacija. Zaradi izgube samozavesti, neprijetnosti, stigme in družbe se osebe poslužujejo tehnik prekrivanja alopecije z lasuljami, kapami ali rutami. Avtorji poudarjajo pomen psihološke pomoči pred kemoterapijo, med njo in po njej ter vključevanje družine in drugih. Razprava in zaključek: Alopecija je eden najpogostejših stranskih učinkov, ki pacienta najbolj prizadene. Kljub napredovanju tehnologij zdravljenja raka še nismo odkrili dovolj učinkovite terapije, ki ne bi povzročila alopecije. Za zagotavljanje optimalne zdravstvene nege za onkološke paciente je potrebno pravilno izobraževanje znotraj institucij in pravilno razumevanje vpliva bolezni in kemoterapije. Pomembno je, da se izkušnje pacientov in profesija zdravstvene nege dopolnjujeta in skupaj razvijata, da medicinska sestra prisluhne in sliši njihove izkušnje, ob njihovem zavedanju posledic, ki jih alopecija zaradi kemoterapije pusti.

Keywords:alopecija, rak, kemoterapija, izguba las, psihološki vpliv
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108494 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5650795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Psychological aspect of alopecia as a result of chemotherapy patient : diploma work
Introduction: Alopecia affects as many as 65% of patients who are being treated for cancer and represent the most common side effect of chemotherapy. Oncological patients experience a lot of changes in their bodys during their treatment; these changes affect their personal view, self-image, interaction with others, and how they are received by others from the environment. A view is an important part of how a person sees himself, who is as an individual and how they want that others see them. Facial structure and hair are aspects that affect facial recognition and allow us to categorize a person as a male or female, younger or older person, or a healthy or sick person. Purpose: The purpose is to investigate and present the influence of alopecia as a result of chemotherapy by examining literature. Describe and present alopecia, present the psychological effect of hair loss on self-image, present the experiences of people with alopecia as a result of chemotherapy, identify differences in experiencing gender alopecia. Methods:We have used a descriptive method that will cover the review of foreign literature. A review of professional literature was carried out in the period from August 2018 to November 2018. The overview of literature in English was made through the bibliographic databases ScienceDirect, CINAHL, Medline using key words and phrases. Results: Results confirmed that the person does not change only visually and how he sees himself, who is as an individual, and how they want others to see them. Depression, anxiety and social isolation occur. Because of the loss of self-confidence, inconvenience, stigma and society, people use techniques to cover the head with wigs, caps or scarf. The authors underline the importance of psychological help before chemo, during and after it, and the involvement of the family and others. Discussion and conclusion: Alopecia is one of the most common side effects, which affects the patient the most. Despite the advancement of cancer treatment technologies, we have not yet discovered a sufficiently effective treatment that would not cause alopecia. To ensure optimum nursing care for oncologic patients, it is necessary to properly educate within the institutions and properly understand the effects of disease and chemotherapy. It is important that the experience of patients and the profession of nursing care are complementary and develop together. Nurses have to listen and hear their experiences, with their awareness of the consequences that alopecia leaves because of chemotherapy.

Keywords:alopecia, cancer, chemotherapy, hair loss, psychological impact

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