
Merjenje pretoka zraka s sledljivim plinom
ID Sterle, Žan (Author), ID Prek, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Merjenje zračnega pretoka v stavbnih prezračevalnih kanalih s standardnimi metodami je zamudno in nenatančno, saj zahteva veliko število meritev na različnih mestih preseka kanala. Alternativno lahko merimo pretok zraka s pomočjo sledljivega plina, ki ga vbrizgamo v prezračevalni kanal na enem in merimo njegovo koncentracijo na drugem koncu kanala. Med vrsto različnih postopkov merjenja pretoka zraka s sledljivim plinom, smo v tej zaključni nalogi preverjali, kako enostaven, aplikativen in zanesljiv je postopek enakomernega vbrizgavanja sledljivega plina. Izvedli smo več meritev zračnega pretoka pri različnih volumskih pretokih sledljivega plina po ravnem kanalu in kanalu s kolenom. Ogljikov dioksid, ki je bil v našem primeru najbolj primeren sledljiv plin, smo v kanal dovajali točkovno in njegovo koncentracijo prav tako točkovno merili na izhodu iz kanala. Rezultati so pokazali, da metoda enakomernega vbrizgavanja sledljivega plina predstavlja preprost in relativno zanesljiv način, za merjenje pretoka zraka v kanalih. V naših meritvah je bila prisotna sistemska napaka, ki je bila posledica stare merilne opreme in nezmožnosti izpolnjevanja standarda v celoti.

Keywords:zračni pretok, sledljiv plin, enakomerno vbrizgavanje, koncentracija, mešanje plina, alternativna metoda
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Sterle]
Number of pages:XIV, 25 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108478 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16717595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Tracer-gas based airflow measurement technique
Standard methods for airflow measurements in ventilation ducts can be time-consuming and inaccurate, because a number of measurements on different places along the duct intersection are needed. Alternatively we can measure airflow using a tracer-gas based technique. The tracer-gas is injected in the duct with a known volumetric flow rate and its concentration is measured downstream. In this thesis we picked the constant injection method from a variety of methods applying the tracer-gas technique and tested it. We wanted to test its simplicity, practicality and reliability. We conducted several measurements using different flow rates of the tracer-gas in a straight and bent duct. Carbon dioxide, which was the most suitable tracer-gas in our case, was injected and sampled in the centre of the duct. The results showed that the constant injection technique presents a simple and relatively reliable method for airflow measurement. There was a systemic error present in our measurements, which was a consequence of old measuring equipement and inability to fully satisfy the standard.

Keywords:airflow, tracer-gas, constant injection, concentration, air-mixing, alternative method

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