This diploma thesis, entitled The character of Barbara of Celje in historical drama by Anton Novačan and in historical novel by Anna Wambrechtsamer, addresses the question of image of the mentioned sovereign as portrayed in the historical drama Herman Celjski, written by Anton Novačan, and in the historical novel, Danes grofje Celjski in nikdar več, written by Anna Wambrechtsamer. Both of them belong to the 20th century literature. Barbara (born in the last decade of the 14th century) was the youngest daughter of Herman II. Celjski, who married her to Sigismund of Luxemburg, who ruled Hungary, Bohemia and Germany. All of these titles (with the exception of empress) were given to Barbara as well and therefore, she is the member of the Celje family, who reached the grandest titles. Regardless of her high position, there is not much written about her. In the works of literature where she appears, she is never the protagonist, except for the two novels of trivial, i.e. not pretentious – literary text. It is typical of her character to be represented as diverse andambivalent –appearing to the reader as sweet and kind-hearted, while at the same time being a lightskirt, a materialist and an avenger.