
ID Hribar, Špela (Author), ID Peček, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je predstavljen postopek izvajanja študijske prakse na Fakulteti za upravo. Pri opravljanju študijske prakse sem zasledila težave, s katerimi se srečujemo študentje, mentorji in referentka v referatu za študijske zadeve. Največji težavi v obstoječem postopku sta neobveščenost študentov o prostih mentorjih ter preobremenjenost referentke v referatu za študijske zadeve, ki podatke ročno vpisuje v sistem. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti prenovljen postopek izvajanja študijske prakse s pomočjo programa iGrafx Process. S tem programom sem lažje predstavila svoje ideje in rešitve. V prenovljen postopek sem vpeljala elektronske obrazce, s katerimi bi se olajšalo delo referentke, da podatkov v sistem ne bi vnašala ročno. Poudarek je tudi na obveščanju študentov o prostih mentorjih s pomočjo ažurne tabele, ki bi bila dostopna vsem udeležencem v postopku. S svojimi predlogi sem postopek izvajanja študijske prakse skrajšala za več dni, hkrati pa se je olajšalo delo vsem udeleženim v postopku. Z vsemi sprejetimi in uvedenimi predlogi bi postopek postal bolj moderniziran, saj se danes vse usmerja v elektronsko poslovanje, zato se tudi organizacije izogibajo papirnatemu poslovanju.

Keywords:obstoječ postopek, študijska praksa, iGrafx Process, prenova postopka, elektronski obrazci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108412 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2019
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Secondary language

The graduation thesis presents the procedure of implementing study practice at the Faculty of Administration. During my study practice I discovered the difficulties that students, mentors and clerks in the student affairs department are facing. The biggest problems in the existing procedure are lack of information among students about available mentors and overloaded clerks in the student affairs department with manual entry of data into the system. The purpose of the graduation thesis is to present a renewed procedure of implementing study practice using the iGrafx Process program. With the help of the program, I was able to present my ideas and solutions more easily. In the renewed procedure, I introduced electronic forms, which facilitates the work of a clerk, since he or she no longer needs to manually enter data into the system. The emphasis is also on informing students about available mentors using up-to-date table that would be accessible to all involved in the procedure. With my propositions, I have shortened the procedure of implementing the study practice for several days. In addition to this, the work of all involved in the procedure was facilitated. With all the propositions, the procedure would become more modernized, because today, due to avoidance of organizations of paper business, everything proceeds in the direction of e-commerce.

Keywords:Existing procedure, study practice, iGrafx Process, procedure reform, electronic form

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