My diploma research is focused on architectural conservation. I analysed the critical gaps between planned and implemented works in the conservation project. The example I was working on was the Church of the Assumption, located on Bled Island. On the basis of the findings I made suggestions to improve further similar projects. In the beginning of the research I tried to find out if conservation-restoration works were the main reason for the critical gaps in the project, so I compared the conservation plan with the final reports of conservation-restoration works. It turned out that that wasn’t the case, so I dealt the matter differently. I compiled questionnaires for interviews with the performers of restoration works, the project coordinator, as well as the project contractor/user. With results analysis I found out the key critical gaps, for which I would suggest solutions. The diploma is thus designed in the same way my research was conducted; I first described the study of conservation and restoration works on the basis of three examples and second, the process of my further research, where I carried out the analysis of questionnaires, divided into three sets: for the restorers, for the project coordinator and for the project contractor/user. In the end I summarized the observed deviations/problems and then suggested solution for each problem. That way the work on the further similar projects can improve.