
Vloga igrifikacije in jezika pri učenju kemijskih vsebin v osnovni šoli
ID Premrl, Ajda (Author), ID Wissiak Grm, Katarina Senta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pižorn, Karmen (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5807/ This link opens in a new window

V prvem delu diplomskega dela je obravnavan podroben pregled metode, imenovane »igrifikacija«, in njena vloga pri učenju drugega/tujega jezika in temeljnih kemijskih pojmov v osnovi šoli v slovenskem kakor tudi v angleškem jeziku. V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge sem želela z anketnim vprašalnikom o pogostosti uporabe spletnih aplikacij in gradiv v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku preveriti, ali se pri pouku kemije/naravoslovja uporabljajo nekatere elemente metode igrifikacije in kako učenci uporabljajo IKT izven šole. Pilotna angleška preizkusa znanja iz bralnega razumevanja in besedišča angleških besedil s področja naravoslovja (Freeman, 2006) sem uporabila za učence osmega in devetega razreda, saj sem želela pri učencih preveriti njihovo razumevanje in poznavanje angleških izrazov za kemijske pojme v sobesedilu. Za učence devetega, osmega in sedmega razreda pa sem uporabila tudi štiri pilotne kemijske preizkuse znanja (Sajovic idr., 2014), ki preverjajo razumevanje naslednjih učnih poglavij (1) atom in periodni sistem, (2) povezovanje delcev/gradnikov ter (3) družina ogljikovodikov s polimeri. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da imajo vsi učenci doma dostop do spleta, velika večina pa ima doma svoj lastni računalnik. Učenci internet največkrat uporabljajo za iskanje informacij in komunikacijo. Učenci pri pouku kemije/naravoslovja (skoraj) nikoli ne uporabljajo spletnih aplikacij in gradiv v slovenskem oziroma angleškem jeziku in zato menijo, da spletne aplikacije niso učinkovite pri učenju kemije/naravoslovja. Pri učenju angleščine pa so mnenja, da so spletne aplikacije učinkovite. Učenci nimajo spletne učilnice za kemijo/naravoslovje oziroma sploh ne vedo, ali jo imajo. Več kot polovica učencev rada tekmuje in pomaga svojemu vrstniku. Večina učencev osmega razreda ne razume angleških besedil s kemijsko vsebino, vendar po že obravnavani učni vsebini razumejo ključne pojme vsebinskega sklopa Učnega načrta za kemijo z naslovom »Povezovanje delcev/gradnikov «. Tudi velika večina devetošolcev razume angleška besedila s kemijsko vsebino in po že obravnavani učni vsebini razume ključne pojme vsebinskega sklopa Učnega načrta za kemijo z naslovom »Družina ogljikovodikov s polimeri«. Medtem ko večina učencev osmega razreda nima dovolj predznanja, da bi uspešno rešili preizkus znanja z naslovom Ogljikovodiki – 8. r., tudi učenci sedmega razreda nimajo dovolj predznanja, da bi uspešno rešili preizkus znanja z naslovom Atom in periodni sistem – 7. r. Ključni pojmi: igrifikacija, drugi/tuji jezik, spletna gradiva in aplikacije

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108404 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12493385 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The role of gamification and language in learning chemistry topics at primary school
In the first part of my thesis I performed a detailed review of gamification as a method, focusing on how it affects learning as a process. Special significance was given to second language acquisition and understanding of fundamental terminology in Chemistry, both in Slovene and English language. In the empirical part I used a survey, which was structured to observe the frequency of applying web-based applications and gamification materials, both English and Slovene, to teaching of Chemistry/Science and the usage of ICT outside formal education. For the 8th and 9th grade pupils I have decided to use two reading comprehension and vocabulary pilot tests (Freeman, 2006), evaluating their knowledge and awareness of science related terms in English context. I have also provided the 7th, 8th and 9th grade pupils with four pilot chemistry knowledge tests (Sajovic idr., 2014), which assessed their comprehension of the following curriculum chapters: (1) The Atom and the Periodic Table, (2) Bonding of Particles and (3) The Family of Carbohydrates and their Polymers. The research has shown that all the pupils have internet access from their homes and that a great majority even owns their own device to do so. They predominantly use it to satisfy their informational and communicational needs. They claim that they have never or almost never used web-based applications and materials in either English or Slovene while being taught science/chemistry, giving them an impression that they lack efficiency in this process of learning. On the contrary, they believe that their learning English in this manner is productive. Pupils either do not have an online class for science/chemistry or are not aware of its existence. More than half of them acknowledges a tendency to either compete with their peers or to help them. Most of the 8th grade pupils are not able to comprehend chemistry related English text, but do have knowledge of fundamental terms after being taught the »Bonding of Particles« chapter of the chemistry curriculum. Similar is true for the 9th grade pupils, which comprehend the English basics of the »Family of Carbohydrates and their Polymers« chapter after being familiarized with its content. On the other hand, most of the 8th grade pupils do not possess enough pre-knowledge to successfully complete the »Carbohydrates – 8th grade« test, as goes for 7th grade pupils which were unable to perform sufficiently at the »Atom and the Periodic Table – 7th grade« test.


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