
Inovacijsko-podjetniška pripravljenost učencev 8. razreda osnovne šole
ID Jazbar, Špela (Author), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5799/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu nas je zanimala inovacijsko-podjetniška pripravljenost učencev 8. razreda osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo raziskovali pojme, kot so ustvarjalnost, inovativnost in podjetništvo ter jih povezali z razvojem gospodarstva in družbe. Poudarili smo, da podjetništva še ni v redni obliki kurikularnega predmeta v osnovni šoli. V empiričnem delu smo izvedli raziskavo, pri kateri smo uporabili kvantitativni pristop empirično eksperimentalnega pedagoškega raziskovanja. V raziskavi so sodelovali učenci treh osnovnih šol, ki so v šolskem letu 2017/18 obiskovali 8. razred. Učenci so rešili nestandardiziran vprašalnik z naslovom »Vprašalnik za 8. razred OŠ« in standardizirani test z risanjem »Inženirsko oblikovanje in konstruiranje« (CEDA). Na podlagi ugotovitev smo presodili, kakšno je stališče učencev do podjetništva in ocenili njihovo stanje ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti. Poskušali smo tudi ugotoviti, kako dobro so pripravljeni na uvajanje sprememb ter kakšne so njihove želje glede oblike in poteka izvajanja inovacijsko-podjetniškega izobraževanja. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali manjše razlike med učenci in učenkami v odnosu do lastne ustvarjalnosti, kjer je bila velikost učinka spola šibka (η2 = 0,022). Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da učenke boljše poznajo definicijo ustvarjalnosti, prav tako več ustvarjalnih tehnik, bolj se zavedajo ustvarjalnosti in jo uporabljajo kot svojo prednost. Pri preostalih kategorijah, kot so inovacijski proces, prilagodljivosti spremembam in trženje izdelka, med spoloma nismo opazili statistično značilne razlike (α > 0,05). Učenke naj bi bile bolj uspešne pri ustvarjalnem oblikovanju, kar je bilo razvidno v doseženih točkah na testu CEDA, kjer so učenci dosegli povprečno 76,25 točke, učenke pa 87,34 točke. Z raziskavo smo dobili statistično značilen učinek (α < 0,05) med učenčevim stališčem do podjetništva in njegovim odnosom do lastne ustvarjalnosti. Bolj kot učenci obvladajo inovacijsko-podjetniški proces, bolj imajo izrazit odnos do lastne ustvarjalnosti, saj je pri tem utež β = 0,448 in α = 0,000. Prav tako velja, če je učenec prilagodljiv na spremembe v podjetniškem procesu in obvladuje inovacijski proces, je tudi njegov odnos do ustvarjalnosti bolj izrazit. Obstaja tudi povezava med stopnjo ustvarjalnosti in podjetništvom, saj imajo učenci, ki obvladajo inovacijsko-podjetniški proces in podjetniško ustvarjalnost boljšo stopnjo ustvarjalnosti. Med skupnim stališčem prilagodljivosti spremembam in rezultatom na testu CEDA ni statistično pomembnih razlik (α > 0,496). Prav tako ni zaznati vpliva okolja na učenčevo prilagodljivost spremembam. Čeprav velja za učence, ki obiskujejo ali so obiskovali šolske podjetniške dejavnosti ali krožke (utež β = -0,204), da so manj prilagodljivi na spremembe od tistih, ki ga niso obiskovali. Bolj prilagodljivi na spremembe so tudi tisti učenci, ki razmišljajo za poklic na področju ekonomije in podjetništva (utež β = 0,219), imajo brate ali sestre, ki imajo poklicne podjetniške izkušnje ali pa se to učijo v šoli. Povezava z domačim okoljem za razvijanje inovativnosti in ustvarjalnosti pa je majhna. Učenci si najbolj želijo, da bi se izobraževanje vsebin podjetništva, ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti izvajalo v okviru izbirnega predmeta, najmanj pa si želijo, da bi šlo za plačljivo podjetniško delavnico ali kot dodatne vsebine pri preostalih predmetih. Učenci so ocenili, da trenutno delo v razredu, pri pouku tehnike in tehnologije, ne poteka velikokrat skupinsko, med posamezniki obstaja tekmovalnost, kar pa je za podjetniško izobraževanje dobro, saj mora v podjetništvu vladati tekmovalnost ter skupinsko delo za doseganje dobrih rezultatov. Največkrat učencem in učenkam, ki želijo izpeljati svojo idejo, pomaga ožja družina (starši, bratje, sestre …), prijatelji in sošolci ter sorodniki. V obstoječi raziskavi smo ugotovili, da so učenci in učenke v določeni meri že pripravljeni na spremembe, vendar bo treba tudi narediti nekaj sprememb pri učiteljih in njihovih izbirah metod za poučevanje in organizacijo pouka. Prav tako bi bilo smiselno pred uvedbo podjetniškega izobraževanja v osnovnih šolah najprej izobraziti učitelje.

Keywords:osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108396 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12488009 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Innovation-entrepreneurial readiness of pupils in 8th grade of primary school
The master's thesis researched the innovation-entrepreneurial readiness of pupils in the 8th grade of elementary school. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis we studied concepts such as creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship and related them with the development of the economy in society. We pointed out that entrepreneurship is not in the regular form of a curriculum in elementary school. We used the quantitative approach of empirical experimental pedagogical research for the empirical part. The study included students from three elementary schools who attended the 8th grade in the school year 2017/18. Students solved the non-standardized questionnaire entitled "Questionnaire for the 8th grade of primary school" and standardized test of drawing " Creative Engineering Design Assessment" (CEDA). Based on the findings, we evaluated the students' attitude to entrepreneurship and their state of creativity and innovation. We also tried to determine how ready they are for the changes and what their wishes are for the form of work and the implementation of innovation-entrepreneurial education. The results of the study showed minor differences between boys and girls in relation to their own creativity, where the size of the gender effect was weak (η2 = 0,022). We can conclude that girls are better acquainted with the definition of creativity, as well as they know more creative techniques, they are more aware of creativity and use it as their advantage. For the remaining categories such as the innovation process, adaptability to product changes and products marketing no statistically significant differences between the genders (α > 0.05) were observed. Girls are expected to be more successful in creative design, which was shown in points of the test CEDA, where the average score for boys is 76,25 points and 87,34 points for girls. The study provided a statistically significant effect (α < 0.05) between the student's attitude towards entrepreneurship and their attitude towards his own creativity. The more the pupils master the innovative entrepreneurial process, the more they have a distinct attitude towards their own creativity, as the weight is β = 0,448 and α = 0,000. It is also true, that if the student is adaptable to changes in the entrepreneurial process and is mastering the innovation process, his attitude towards creativity is also more prominent. There is also a link between the level of creativity and entrepreneurship, as students who master the innovation business process and entrepreneurial creativity have a better level of creativity. No statistically significant differences between the common position of adaptability to change and the CEDA test results (α > 0,496) were found. It is also not possible to perceive the influence of the environment on student's adaptability to change, even though pupils who attend or attended school business activities or similar lessons (weight β = -0,204) are considered to be less adaptable to changes than those who did not attend them. More adaptable to changes are those who are thinking about a profession in the field of economics and entrepreneurship (weight β = 0,219) and those who have siblings who have professional entrepreneurial experience or are learning it at school. However, the link between the home environment for developing innovation and creativity is small. Students want the most for the education with the content of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation to be held within the framework of the optional subject, and they want the least for this to be a paid entrepreneurial workshop or additional content in the remaining subjects. Students estimated that current work in the classroom of Technique and technology classes does often not take place in groups and that there is a competition among individuals, which is good for entrepreneurial education, since entrepreneurship must be competitive and team work in order to achieve good results. Most often boys and girls who want to implement their idea are helped by a close family (parents, brothers, sisters ...), friends and classmates and relatives. We found that boys and girls are in some extent prepared for the changes, but it will also be necessary to make some changes with teachers and their choice of teaching methods and lessons organizing. It would also be sensible to first educate teachers before introducing entrepreneurial education in elementary schools.

Keywords:Primary school

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