
Evalvacija protokola zdravljenja s protiglivičnimi učinkovinami v Splošni bolnišnici Murska Sobota v letih 2015-2017
ID Pušnik, Anja (Author), ID Vovk, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kovačič, Alenka (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi smo se osredotočili na protokol zdravljenja s sistemskimi protiglivičnimi učinkovinami (vorikonazol, mikafungin, anidulafungin, kaspofungin, amfotericin B). Za omenjene učinkovine v Splošni bolnišnici Murska Sobota velja, da je pred izdajo iz bolnišnične lekarne potrebna izpolnjena Naročilnica za rezervna protimikrobna zdravila s strani zdravnika. V raziskavo smo vključili vse bolnike, za katere je bila v obdobju od 1. 1. 2015 do 31. 12. 2017 izdana naročilnica in so prejemali katero izmed obravnavanih učinkovin. Naš vzorec je obsegal 51 bolnikov. Na podlagi podatkov iz naročilnic smo dostopali do terapevtskih listov in ostale bolnišnične dokumentacije. Zanimalo nas je, kako pogosta je uporaba tovrstnih zdravil, najpogostejši povzročitelji in dejavniki tveganja za okužbo. Za evalvacijo protokola zdravljenja smo spremljali več različnih vidikov (izvedeni diagnostični postopki, laboratorijski in klinični izvidi, časovni potek zdravljenja, režim odmerjanja zdravil, stroški povezani z zdravilom ipd.). Upoštevali smo spremljajočo terapijo in pojavnost potencialnih interakcij. Naš osrednji namen je bil izpostaviti možnosti za izboljšanje izidov zdravljenja in opredeliti vlogo kliničnega farmacevta pri tem. Ugotovili smo, da je bilo 80,4 % bolnikov vsaj enkrat tekom hospitalizacije na enoti intenzivne terapije. Najpogosteje izbrana protiglivična učinkovina je bila mikafungin (56,9 %), po pogostosti pa so izstopale okužbe z vrsto Candida albicans (37,9 %). Možnosti izboljšav smo prepoznali na področjih: (i) testiranja občutljivosti izolatov na protiglivične učinkovine, (ii) izbire najustreznejše protiglivične učinkovine in prehoda na zdravljenje s flukonazolom, (iii) prepoznavanja omejitev in izbire diagnostičnih postopkov, (iv) pogostosti spremljanja odziva na protiglivično terapijo, (v) režima odmerjanja protiglivične učinkovine, predvsem pri bolnikih s prekomerno telesno maso in pri bolnikih z ledvično in jetrno insuficienco. Ob izrazitem deležu bolnikov s polifarmakoterapijo (98 %) smo prisotnost klinično pomembnih potencialnih interakcij zaznali pri 60,8 % bolnikov. Ocenili smo, da so stroški posamezne terapije z zdravilom najpogosteje (41,2 %) znašali med 1.000 in 3.000 €. Klinični farmacevt je v naši raziskavi pri zdravljenju sodeloval v 31,4 % analiziranih primerov. Z rezultati smo pokazali na konkretne možnosti izboljšave zdravljenja bolnikov in prepoznali področja, kjer lahko k temu pripomore vključenost kliničnega farmacevta.

Keywords:protiglivične učinkovine, invazivne glivične okužbe, protokol zdravljenja, farmacevtska intervencija, farmakoterapijski pregled
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108337 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of antifungal treatment protocol at the Murska Sobota General Hospital from 2015 to 2017
In our thesis, we have focused on the protocol of treating diseases with systematic antifungal substances (Voriconazole, Micafungin, Anidulafungin, Caspofungin, Amphotericin B). The policies of Murska Sobota General Hospital dictate that the doctor should fill out an order form for alternative antimicrobial medications before prescribing said medication. Our research included all patients who were issued the order form during a period between 1st January 2015 and 31st December 2017 and were given some of the previously mentioned substances. Our research sample included 51 patients. Based on the information we gained from the order forms, we were able to access their medical papers and other hospital documents. We were interested in the frequency of medication use as well as the most common agents and risk factors for contagion. While evaluating the treatment protocol, we observed various aspects (the diagnostic procedures carried out, laboratory and clinical results, the timeline of the treatment, how the medication was administered, the costs, etc.). We considered the accompanying therapy and the occurrence of potential interactions. Our primary goal was to point out the possible improvements of the treatment results and to define what role a clinical pharmacist has within this process. We established that 80,4% of patients were on the intensive care unit at least once during their hospitalisation. The most commonly prescribed antifungal substance was Micafungin (56,9%). The most commonly contracted species was the Candida albicans (37,9%). We established that improvement is possible in the following areas: (i) testing the sensitivity of insulators for antifungal substances (AS), (ii) choosing the most suitable AS and transitioning to treatment with Fluconazole, (iii) recognizing the restrictions and selections of diagnostic procedures, (iv) the frequency of monitoring the response to antifungal therapy, (v) the ways of administering AS, especially to overweight patients and those with kidney and liver dysfunction. Within a high percentage of patients with polypharmacy (98%), we recognized the need for clinically important potential interactions in 60,8% of patients. We estimated that the costs of an individual drug therapy would range mostly (41,2%) between 1.000 and 3.000 €. During treatment, a clinical pharmacist took part in 31,4% of the analysed examples. With this data, we have shown that concrete improvements are possible when it comes to treating patients. We have also recognized several areas in which the presence of a clinical pharmacist can contribute to these improvements.

Keywords:antifungal substances, invasive fungal infections, treatment protocol, pharmaceutical intervention, pharmacotherapeutical examination

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