
Vpliv idiopatske skolioze na kakovost življenja - pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Kovač, Pika (Author), ID Hlebš, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Adolescentna idiopatska skolioza je tridimenzionalna deformacija hrbtenice in trupa, ki prizadane 2–3 % zdravih mladostnikov. O idiopatski skoliozi govorimo, kadar pride do rotacije in premika hrbtenice, vzrok za to pa je neznan. Diagnoza je postavljena, kadar je izmerjen Cobbov kot enak ali večji od 10° in je hkrati opazna osna rotacija na apikalnem vretencu. S časoma so se pojavljali novi načini ocenjevanja deformacije. Najpogosteje uporabljen vprašalnik SRS-22 zajema oceno kakovosti življenja. Je enostaven, praktičen in specifično usmerjen vprašalnik, ki zajema 5 ključnih področij. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na podlagi pregleda literature raziskati, kakšen je vpliv idiopatske skolioze na kakovost življenja. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili metodo sistematičnega pregleda literature. V analizo smo vključili 6 člankov, objavljenih med leti 2013 in 2017. Literatura je bila iskana v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku, v bazah podatkov PubMed, Journal of Spine, ScilenceDirect in Chinahl. Rezultati: Na podlagi vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev je bilo v diplomsko delo vključenih 6 raziskav. Razprava in zaključek: Iz rezultatov izbranih raziskav je razvidno, da je področje samopodobe vprašalnika vedno ocenjeno z najnižjo oceno, sledi pa mu področje duševnega zdravja. Deformacija na vsakega posameznika vpliva drugače. Za zdravstvene delavce je bistveno, da pacient zaradi deformacije ne čuti bolečine in da njegove telesne funkcije niso omejene, medtem ko pacienta bistveno bolj skrbi estetski videz, kar se odraža v težavah s samopodobo in duševnem zdravju. Pri oceni duševnega zdravja pa je potrebno upoštevati številne druge dejavnike, ki vplivajo na psihologijo človeka, in ki morda niso v celoti povezani z deformacijo hrbtenice. Vprašalnik SRS-22 namreč kot edino domnevo, ki bi lahko napovedovala resnost krivulje in s tem vplivala na kakovost življenja oseb z idiopatsko skoliozo, predvideva samopodobo.

Keywords:adolescentna idiopatska skolioza, vprašalnik SRS-22, kakovost življenja, mladostniki, Društvo za raziskovanje skolioze
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108311 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5647211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.06.2019
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Title:Impact of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis on the quality of life - literature review : diploma work
Introduction: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformation of the spine and body, affecting 2-3% of healthy adolescents. We talk about idiopathic scoliosis, when it comes to the rotation and movement in the spine, and the cause for this is unknown. The diagnosis is set when the Cobb’s angle is measured to be equal to or greater than 10 ° and at the same time the axial rotation on the apical vertebra is noticeable. Over time, new ways of assessing deformation have emerged. The most useful questionnaire SRS-22 is the assessment of the quality of life. It is a simple, practical and specifically focused questionnaire covering 5 key areas. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma thesis is to research the impact on idiopathic scoliosis on the quality of life, base on reviewing of the literature. Methods: In the diploma thesis I used the method of systematic review of literature. In the analysis, I included 6 articles published in 2013 in 2017. The literature was searched in English and Slovenian language, in the PubMed database, Journal of Spine, ScilenceDirect and Chinahl. Results: Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 6 researches was included in the diploma. Discussion and conclusion: The results showed that the self-image part of the questionnaire is always rated with the lowest score, followed by the mental health field. Deformation affects each individual differently. It is essential for health professionals that patient doesn’t feel the pain and that body functions are not limited, while patient worries much more about appearance, which is reflected in the problem of self-image in mental health. In assessing mental health, a number of other factors that affect the psychology of a person have to be considered, that may not be completely linked to deformation. The SRS-22 questionnaire, for the sake of the assumption that could predict the severity of the curve and could have impact on the quality of life of people with idiopathic scoliosis, presupposes self-image.

Keywords:adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, SRS-22 questionnaire, quality of life, adolescents, Scoliosis Research Society

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