
Emancipacija skozi nostalgijo: jugonostalgija v bosansko-hercegovski hip hop glasbi
ID Micevski, Anja (Author), ID Velikonja, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Nostalgija je človekova stalna spremljevalka. Na območju držav nekdanje Jugoslavije so ljudje v veliki meri nostalgični za Jugoslavijo, Titom, socializmom. Tako imenovana jugonostalgija opeva dobre stare čase in si želi, da bi se ti časi vrnili. Obenem pa ima lahko jugo(nostalgija) tudi emancipatorni potencial. Dokazuje, da način, kako sedanja politika vlada, ni edini možen. Jugonostalgija podaja alternative, s tem pa kritizira, provocira in se upira sedanjosti in vladajoči politiki. V magistrskem delu sem emancipatorni potencial jugonostalgije preverjala v bosansko-hercegovskem hip hopu. Zanimalo me je, ali je v glasbenem žanru, ki velja za izredno kritičnega, emancipatorna jugonostalgija prisotna, kako pogosta je in katere družbeno-politične probleme v državi kritizira. Bosna in Hercegovina, ki deluje na podlagi Daytonskega sporazuma iz leta 1995, se namreč spopada s številnimi težavami, ki slabijo moč osrednje državne oblasti, obenem pa onemogočajo normalno funkcioniranje države in njen napredek. Z iskanjem elementov, ki skozi jugonostalgijo kažejo emancipatorni potencial, sem ugotavljala, katere družbeno-politične situacije v Bosni avtorji pesmi razumejo kot najbolj problematične. V magistrskem delu sem dokazovala, da nostalgija ni zgolj sanjarjenje po obuditvi časa, ki ga mnogi razumejo kot boljšega od sedanjega, pač pa je nostalgija tudi sredstvo prizadevanja za družbeno-politični napredek.

Keywords:emancipatorna nostalgija, Bosna in Hercegovina, hip hop.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108304 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36238685 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.06.2019
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Title:Emancipation through nostalgia: yugonostalgia in Bosnian and Herzegovinian hip hop music
Nostalgia is constantly following humankind. In the ex-Yugoslavia region, people are nostalgic about Yugoslavia, Tito and socialism. The so-called Yugonostalgia is praising the good old days and wants for those times to return. At the same time Yugonostalgia can have emancipatory potential. It proves that the way of the current politics is not the only way. Yugonostalgia gives alternatives but at the same time criticizes, provokes and resists the current political state. In my master degree, I evaluated the emancipatory potential of Yugonostalgia in the Bosnian and Herzegovinian hip hop. I was curious if the music genre that is very critical contains signs of emancipatory Yugonostalgia, how common it is and which social-political problems of the country it criticizes. Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is run based on the 1995 Dayton’s agreement is facing a lot of problems which weaken the strength of the centralized state power. At the same those problems prevent the normal functionality of the country and its progress. By searching for elements which through Yugonostalgia show emancipatory potential, I found out which social-political situations in Bosnia are understood as the most problematic by the authors. In my master degree, I proved that nostalgia is not just fantasizing about bringing back old times, by many understood as better than the current, but that nostalgia is also a tool for social-political progress.

Keywords:emancipatory nostalgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, hip hop.

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