
Vpliv mikrooksigenacije na zorenje rdečih vin
ID Drganc, Nataša (Author), ID Košmerl, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mlada rdeča vina so bogata s fenolnimi snovmi, ki ekstrahirajo v vino tekom maceracije. Fenolne snovi imajo vpliv tako na senzorične lastnosti, kot tudi na stabilnost in kakovost vina. S postopkom mikrooksigenacije lahko nadzorovano vplivamo na zorenje vina in s tem izboljšamo tako senzorične, kot tudi kemijske lastnosti vina. Z mikrooksigenacijo lahko kontrolirano vodimo zorenje vina, predvsem v jeklenih tankih, kjer je dostop kisika omejen. V diplomski nalogi smo preučevali vpliv mikrooksigenacije na spektrofotometrične in kemijske lastnosti vina barbera iz vipavskega vinorodnega okoliša. Poskus je trajal dva meseca. Z mikrooksigenatorjem smo počasi dovajali kisik v mlado rdeče vino v majhnih količinah. Ob tem smo opravili analize začetnega vzorca, analize vmesnih vzorčenj in analizo vzorca po končanem postopku mikrooksigenacije. Analize, ki smo jih opravili so bile kemijske (pH, prosti, skupni, vezani SO2, skupne in hlapne kisline, vsebnost alkohola in skupni ekstrakt) in spektrofotometrične (skupni, taninski, netaninski, flavonoidni in neflavonoidni fenoli, antociani, intenziteta barve, ton barve, delež rdeče barve pri različnih valovnih dolžinah in vsebnost barvila odpornega na SO2). Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov analiz smo pričakovali izboljšanje lastnosti vina predvsem povečano intenziteto in stabilnost barve, ter zmanjšano koncentracijo določenih fenolnih spojin, ki vplivajo na okus vina. Rezultati naših analiz niso kazali na bistvene razlike med začetnim in končnim vzorcem, kar bi lahko bila posledica premajhne količine dovedenega kisika med mikrooksigenacijo ali pa prekratkega časa trajanja mikrooksigenacije.

Keywords:vino, rdeče vino, barbera, mikrooksigenacija, fenolne spojine, antociani
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[N. Drganc]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108279 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5068152 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of microoxigenation on the maturation of red wines
Young red wines are rich in phenolic substances that extract into wine during maceration. Phenolic substances have an effect both on the sensory properties and on the stability and quality of the wine. With the microoxygenation process, we can control the influence of wine maturation on a controlled basis, thus improving the sensory and chemical properties of the wine. With microoxygenation, we can control wine maturation, especially in steel tanks, where oxygen has limited access. In the diploma thesis we studied the influence of microoxygenation on the spectrophotometric and chemical properties of the Barbera wine from the Vipava wine-growing region. The experiment lasted two months. Oxygen was slowly fed with the microoxygenator into a young red wine in small quantities. We analyzed the initial sample, the analysis of the intermediate samplings and the analysis of the sample after the completion of the microoxygenation process. The analysis carried out were chemical (pH, free, total, bound SO2, total and volatile acids, alcohol content and total extract) and spectrophotometric (total, tannic, non-tannic, flavonoidal and non-flavonoidal phenols, anthocyanins, color intensity, tone color, red color share in different wavelengths and a SO2-resistant colorant). On the basis of the obtained results of the analyzes, we anticipated the improvement of the properties of the wine, in particular the increased intensity and color stability, and the reduced concentration of certain phenolic compounds affecting the taste of the wine. The results of our analysis did not indicate the significant differences between the initial and final samples, which could be due to the insufficient amount of oxygen supplied during microoxygenation or the short duration of microoxygenation.

Keywords:wine, red wines, Barbera, microoxigenation, phenolic compounds, anthocyanines

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