
Oblikovanje prototipa Slovenske lokalne valute
ID Bratuša, Boštjan (Author), ID Boh Podgornik, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Komplementarne valute veljajo kot dogovor znotraj neke skupnosti in se uporabljajo kot dopolnilo uradnemu t.i. monetarnemu denarju s podobno funkcijo menjalnega sredstva. Mednje sodijo tudi lokalne valute. Da bi bolje razumeli njihovo vlogo, smo preučili njihove prednosti, pomanjkljivosti, njihov namen in način delovanja. Ob tem so na kratko predstavljeni tudi možni vplivi lokalnih valut na gospodarstvo in brezposelnost. Namen diplomskega dela je bil s pomočjo analize in ovrednotenja obstoječih lokalnih valut v Evropski uniji izdelati lastni prototip lokalne valute, ki bi se lahko uporabljala kot dopolnilo trenutnega denarnega sistema v Sloveniji. Z vidika grafičnega oblikovanja smo analizirali obstoječe lokalne valute v Evropi (Waldviertler Regional, Heol, TEM, ŠCEC Arcipelago, Venti, Chiemgauer, Bratislavský živec, Ekhi in Bristol Pound), njihove varnostne elemente in možnosti digitalnega preverjanja varnostnih elementov tiskanih valut za večjo zaščito pred ponarejanjem. Raziskali smo pravni vidik uporabe lokalne valute na območju Slovenije. Po analizi obstoječih lokalnih valut smo oblikovali in izdelali prototip slovenske tiskane lokalne valute jurij v vrednostih 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 in 1000 enot. Prve idejne zasnove smo ovrednotili, jim dodali simbolični element, skrbno izbrali barve in določili ustrezne tehnike tiska. Kot dodatne elemente zaščite smo uporabili hologram, kodo QR za digitalno preverjanje avtentičnosti in serijsko številko s sledenjem. Oblikovali in izdelali smo tudi spletno stran, ki služi kot baza digitalnega preverjanja. Na njej se uporabniku ob preverjanju s pomočjo elektronskih naprav (telefona, tablic ipd.) izpišejo vsi potrebni podatki, ki dokazujejo avtentičnost lokalne valute.

Keywords:komplementarne valute, alternativna valuta, slovenska lokalna valuta, prototip, oblikovanje, varnostni elementi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108245 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Prototype design for Slovenian local currency
Complementary currencies are considered as an agreement within a community and are used as a complment to the monetary money system with a similar function to exchange. Local currencys are included as well. In order to better understand their role, we examined their strengths, weaknesses, their purpose and the way they operate. In addition, the possible effects of local currencies on the economy and unemployment are briefly presented. The purpose of the graduation thesis was to create a prototype of a local currency, based on the analysis and evaluation of existing local currencies in the EU, which could be used as a complement to the current monetary system in Slovenia. In terms of graphic design, we analyzed the existing local currencies in Europe (Waldviertler Regional, Heol, TEM, ŠCEC Arcipelago, Venti, Chiemgauer, Bratislavský živec, Ekhi and Bristol Pound), their security features and the possibilities of digital verification of security elements of printed currencies to achieve a greater protection against counterfeiting. The legal aspects of using a local currency in the territory of Slovenia were examined. After the analysis of the existing local currencies, the prototype of the Slovenian printed local currency named Jurij was designed and produced in the values ​​of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 units. We evaluated the first conceptual designs, added them a symbolic element, carefully selected colours and defined the appropriate printing techniques. A hologram, a QR code for digital authentication and a serial number with tracking were added as additional security elements. A web site was designed and produced, which serves as a digital verification base. By means of electronic devices (telephone, tablets, etc.) the necessary data are displayed on the screen, which prove the authenticity of the local currency.

Keywords:complementary currencies, alternative currency, Slovenian local currency, prototype, design, security elements

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