
Vpliv sončnega sevanja na odmiranje Escherichie coli v morskem okolju : diplomska naloga
ID Leonardi, Caterina (Author), ID Žagar, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Escerichia coli je palicasta bakterija, ki obicajno biva v prebavnem traktu toplokrvnih organizmov. Zaradi njene prepoznavnosti jo uporabljajo kot enega potencialnih indikatorjev onesnažene vode. V diplomskem delu smo koeficient K modelirali z nestacionarnim osoncenjem prek obdobja enega dneva (poletni in zimski soncen dan ter poletni oblacen dan). Program je napisan v programskem okolju Matlab, kamor smo uvozili podatke o slanosti, temperaturi, soncnem sevanju, globini premešanega sloja in koeficientu motnosti vode. Ustvarili smo štiridimenzionalno matriko, ki vsebuje koeficiente odmiranja v odvisnosti od casa, globine in lokacije bakterije v horizontalni ravnini. Generirane podatke smo primerjali z rezultati magistrskega dela (Lešek, 2018). Ugotovili smo, da odstopanje z globino narašca in se giblje med 3 in 20 % pri povprecnih vrednostih koeficientov po slojih, kar pomeni, da stacionarno soncno sevanje poda prevec optimisticno napoved odmiranja E. coli.

Keywords:modeliranje, Escherichia coli, razpadna enacba prvega reda, Mancinijeva enacba, nestacionarni koeficienti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[C. Leonardi]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108235 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8843617 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2019
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Title:The influence of solar irradiance on the decay of Escherichia coli in the marine environment : graduation thesis
Escherichia coli are rodent bacteria that are usually found in the gastrointestinal tract of warmblooded organisms. Because of its recognizability, it is used as one of the potential indicators of contaminated water. We modeled the coefficient K by non-stationary solar radiation over a period of one day for three different types of weather using a summer and a winter sunny day and a summer cloudy day. The modeling was performed in Matlab environment, where we considered data on salinity, temperature, solar radiation, depth and the coefficient of water turbidity. As a result, we created a four-dimensional matrix containing coefficient K, which depends on the time, mixed layer depth and location of the bacteria in the horizontal plane. Furthermore, we compared the obtained results with the results of another master’s thesis (Lešek, 2018). The difference between the coefficient K within individual layers increases with depth reaching the discrepancies between 3 and 20 %. Therefore, applying daily averaged solar radiation gives a too optimistic prediction of the E. coli decay rate.

Keywords:modeling, Escherichia coli, first-order reaction, Mancini’s equation, non-stationary coefficient

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