
Vpliv organizacijske klime na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v posavskih vrtcih
ID Tomažin, Darinka (Author), ID Devjak, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5786/ This link opens in a new window

Naloga vodstva je, da poskrbi, da so v kolektivih dobri medsebojni odnosi, da se zaposleni naučijo, kako komunicirati med seboj, da jih nagradijo za dobro opravljeno delo, da jim nudijo dovolj možnosti za profesionalni razvoj, da so zaposleni čim bolj motivirani za delo, da spodbujajo iniciativnost in inovativnost in da iščejo rešitve za izboljšanje kakovosti dela v vrtcu. Vodstvo mora poskrbeti, da zaposlenim nudi dovolj možnosti, da lahko izražajo svoja mnenja, da so avtonomni in samostojni pri opravljanju svojega dela ter da jim nudi sprostitvene dejavnosti, ki vplivajo na zadovoljstvo. Vodstvo in vsi zaposleni morajo dati svoj vložek k boljši organizacijski klimi v kolektivu. V teoretičnem delu magistrske dela smo raziskali organizacijsko kulturo in klimo ter kakšne so razlike med njima. Osredotočili smo se, kako lahko organizacijsko klimo merimo oziroma ocenjujemo. Ugotavljali smo, kako lahko vodstvo vpliva na organizacijsko klimo. Podrobneje smo predstavili dimenzije organizacije klime, in sicer: zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, poznavanje vizije poslanstva in vrednot, motivacijo, spodbujanje zaposlenih, delovni čas, nagrajevanje, pohvalo, plačilo za delo in zdravje ter dobro počutje. Poleg tega so nas zanimali še medsebojni odnosi in komunikacija, ki vplivajo na organizacijsko klimo. Ker pa smo želeli vedeti, kaj so lahko ovire, ki vplivajo na dobre medsebojne odnose, komunikacijo in motivacijo, smo se osredinili še na reševanje konfliktov ter kakšne so napake in ovire v komuniciranju. Prav tako smo se osredinili na uporabo kolegialnega coachinga v komunikaciji. V empiričnem delu smo raziskali, kakšna je klima strokovnih delavcev v vrtcih v Posavju, kakšno je njihovo zadovoljstvo pri njihovem delu in kaj vse vpliva na zadovoljstvo, ali vodstvo vrtca spodbuja zaposlene pri profesionalnem razvoju, kakšna je komunikacija, in motivacija med strokovnimi delavci. Analizo smo opravili s pomočjo kvantitativne raziskave. V raziskavi so sodelovali vzgojitelji in pomočniki vzgojiteljev iz posavskih vrtcev. V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da se med vzgojitelji in pomočniki pojavljajo razlike pri sodelovanju pri postavljanju vizije, poslanstva in ciljev vrtca. Statistična analiza je pokazala, da so strokovni delavci notranje odnose ocenili z nekoliko nižjo oceno. Ugotovili smo tudi, da so strokovni delavci premalo obveščeni o tem, kaj se dogaja v vrtcu. Strokovni delavci so potrdili, da jih vodstvo vrtca spodbuja pri profesionalnem razvoju. Analiza je tudi pokazala, da so zaposleni motivirani za delo ne glede na delovno dobo, ki jo imajo, prav tako so zadovoljni z delom. Z ugotovitvami smo pripravili izhodišča, ki lahko vodijo k izboljševanju zadovoljstva strokovnih delavcev.

Keywords:organizacijska klima
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108225 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12480073 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of organisational climate on the contentment of the employees in posavje kindergartens
It is the management’s job to provide good interpersonal relationships in the staff, to take care that the employees learn how to communicate with each other, that they are rewarded for a job well done, that they are offered enough possibilities for professional development, that the employees are most motivated for work, that they encourage the initiative and inventiveness and that they search for solutions for improving the quality of work in the kindergarten. The management must make sure that the employees have enough possibilities to express their opinions, that they are autonomous and independent at doing their job and that they are offered relaxation activities which affect the contentment. The management and all employees need to contribute to a better organisational climate in the staff. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis we researched the organisational culture and climate as well as the differences between them. We concentrated on how we can measure and assess the organisational climate. We were determining how the management can affect the organisational climate. We presented in greater detail the dimensions of organising the climate, namely: the contentment of the employees, the familiarity with the vision of the mission and the values, the motivation, the encouragement of the employees, the working hours, rewarding, praise, payment, health and wellness. Furthermore, we were also interested in interpersonal relationships and communication which affect the organisational climate. In order to determine the possible obstacles that affect good interpersonal relationships, communication and motivation, we centred also on conflict solving and on what the mistakes and obstacles in communication are. We concentrated on the use of colleague coaching in communication as well. In the empirical part we researched what the climate of professional workers in Posavje kindergartens is like, what is their contentment with work like and what affects their contentment, does the kindergarten’s management encourage the employees with professional development, what is the communication like, as well as the motivation among professional workers. The analysis was done with the help of a quantitative research. Kindergarten teachers and kindergarten assistants from Posavje kindergartens took part in the research. In the research we found out that there are differences between the kindergarten teachers and the assistants in the point of their collaboration in establishing the kindergarten’s vision, mission and aims. Statistical analysis showed that the professional workers evaluated the internal relationships with a slightly lower rating. We also found out that the professional workers are not informed enough about what goes on in the kindergarten. The professional workers confirmed that the kindergarten’s management encourages them in professional development. The analysis also showed that the employees are motivated for work regardless of their years of service and that they are satisfied with work. With the findings we prepared some starting points that can lead to improving the professional workers’ contentment.

Keywords:organisational climate

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