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Vloga šole v življenju učenca, obolelega za rakom
Tadl, Ana
Juriševič, Mojca
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V magistrskem delu sem se osredotočila na posebno skupino dolgotrajno bolnih otrok – otroke obolele za rakom. Rak je pogosta bolezen, za katero obolevajo tudi otroci. Otrok in njegova družina se takrat znajdejo v težki življenjski preizkušnji. Za učenca, ki je obolel za rakom je pomembno, da se po zdravljenju čim prej vrne v običajno življenje, ki mu omogoča lažje soočanje z boleznijo. V teoretičnem delu predstavljam otroke s posebnimi potrebami, s poudarkom na tistih, ki so oboleli za rakom. Predstavljam tudi vlogo šole, kdo so učitelji, kakšna znanja morajo imeti pri poučevanju takšnih učencev, kakšne težave se pojavljajo pri poučevanju teh učencev, kako sodelujejo bolnišnični učitelji z matičnimi učitelji ter kakšna je vloga bolnišnične šole. Teoretični del zaključujem s predstavitvijo prilagojenega programa za učenca, ko se po zdravljenju vrne v šolo. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela predstavljam, kakšno vlogo ima šola za učenca obolelega za rakom, predvsem pa se usmerjam na učitelje in njihovo usposobljenost za poučevanje teh učencev. V ta namen sem izvedla intervjuje z desetimi bolnišničnimi učitelji. Prav tako sem izvedla intervjuje s tremi učenci obolelimi za rakom in se z njimi pogovorila o tem, kako zaznavajo, da učitelji sprejemajo njihovo bolezen in kako so jim pripravljeni pomagati. Raziskava je pokazala, da bolnišnični učitelji kot najpogostejšo metodo poučevanja uporabljajo individualizacijo. Pokazalo se je, da sodelovanje bolnišnične šole z matično šolo poteka predvsem v oblikah timskih sestankov. Učitelji med seboj sodelujejo, si izmenjujejo izkušnje in tako nadgrajujejo svoje znanje o poučevanju otrok, ki so oboleli za rakom. Delo bolnišničnega učitelja je veliko bolj individualizirano od učitelja matične šole, kar pomeni, da je prisotnih tudi veliko več čustev. Bolnišnični učitelji sodelovanje z matično šolo ocenjujejo kot povprečno. So pa mnenja, da matična šola pridobi tudi največ ustreznih informacij o poteku zdravljenja, zdravstvenem stanju otroka ter možnih posledicah zdravljenja prav na uvodnem sestanku oziroma konziliju. Največja razlika v načinu poučevanja, ki jo poudarijo učenci, je ta, da je delo v bolnišnični šoli veliko bolj individualizirano, veliko je sprotnega dogovarjanja. Učenci s prilagoditvami s stani učiteljev matičnih šol velikokrat niso zadovoljni. Učencem se zdi, da se učitelji velikokrat pogosto ustrašijo, da ne bi znali pomagati, zato se raje nekoliko distancirajo. Učenci, ki so oboleli za rakom, od svojih učiteljev pričakujejo, da bi bili bolj strokovni. V raziskavi pridobljeni odgovori ter študij literature so mi bili v pomoč pri pripravi smernic, ki bodo učiteljem pomagale, da bodo k učencem obolelim za rakom pristopili brez strahu ter jim v dani situaciji učinkovito in kakovostno pomagali pri opravljanju šolskih obveznosti.
Work type:
Master's thesis/paper
2.09 - Master's Thesis
PEF - Faculty of Education
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School's role in the life of a pupil with cancer
In my master's degree, I focused on a specific group of terminally ill children – children with cancer. Nowadays cancer is a common disease that can be diagnosed in children. When something like this happens, a child with cancer as well as other family members face a very difficult situation. It is important for students with cancer to return to their normal life routine as soon as possible, since this helps them battle the disease. In the theoretical part of my thesis, I am going to present children with special needs focusing on those who were diagnosed with cancer. I am also going to present the role of school in such students, the teachers involved, their required knowledge for teaching terminally ill children as well as the difficulties and the cooperation between the student’s school and hospital school in such cases. I am going to conclude the theoretical part with presenting the adapted programme for the student, who returns to school after a medical treatment. In the empirical part of my thesis, I am going to present the role a school plays in a student with cancer, focusing on teachers and their qualifications for teaching such students. For this purpose, I conducted interviews with ten hospital teachers. Besides that, I also interviewed three students with cancer and we discussed how their teachers deal with their disease and how much they offer to help them. The research revealed that hospital teachers use individualization as the most common teaching method. It also indicated that communication between the student’s school and hospital school is based on meetings. Teachers of both schools collaborate, share their experiences and consequently expand their knowledge on students with cancer. The hospital teacher’s work is more individual which means that more feelings are involved. Hospital teachers evaluate communication with the student’s school as mediocre. However, they think the student’s school gains the most information on the student’s medical treatment process, health conditions and possible treatment consequences in the first meeting or council. The biggest difference in teaching emphasized by students is that the work in hospital school is more individual and oriented towards reaching mutual agreements. The students are usually dissatisfied with the modifications their teachers apply – they think teachers get frightened and think they will not be able to help so they distance themselves from the situation. Students with cancer expect from their teachers to be professional. The answers I got from my research and the study of literature have helped me set up some guidelines that would enable teachers to deal with such students without fear and help them carrying out their school duties successfully.
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